The Soyuz rocket fails with Americans and Russians on board


A Russian rocket carrying an American and a Russian to the International Space Station failed Thursday, forcing the astronaut and cosmonaut to return to Earth during a spectacular emergency landing.

US astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin safely parachuted to ground in their capsule after the failure of a reminder of the Soyuz MS-10 probe, announced NASA and the US. Russian space agency. They were greeted by rescue teams in Kazakhstan, more than 200 km from their launch pad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The launches of inhabited spaces have been suspended pending an investigation.

Russia has published photos of men who smile during a medical examination at the airport of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan. They were sitting on a couch in front of a television with plates of nuts in front of them.

The men, who will soon be repatriated to Baikonur, have been described as being in good condition although they have been exposed to above-normal forces of gravity during their descent.

It was the first time that the Soyuz – the main handyman of today's spaceflight – was failing at the launch of the 20-year-old International Space Station. Spacecraft is the only way to bring men to the space station since the end of the US space shuttle program, but commercial providers targeting manned spaceflight are increasingly stealing the heels of Russia.

"Shortly after the launch, there was an anomaly with the booster and the ascent of the launch was canceled," said NASA's director, Jim Bridenstine, in a statement. "Hague and Ovchinin came out of the capsule and would be in good condition."

Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said more crudely in his daily conference call with reporters: "Thank God, everyone is alive."

After the recall failed, Ovchinin and Hague were forced to make a ballistic descent, returning to the ground at a sharper angle than normal and causing greater force of gravity on their body. But shortly after the landing, US and Russian officials said that the rescue forces were in contact with the astronaut and the cosmonaut. A flawless stay

After their rescue, Hague and Ovchinin were to be flown to a space flight training center outside Moscow. A flawless stay

Russian space chief Dmitry Rogozin said he was forming a state commission to investigate the causes of this failure.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, who oversees space flights, has promised to share all information from the investigation with the United States and announced that manned space launches would be suspended until the end of the investigation, according to Russian news agencies.

The rare failure of the launch of the Soyuz rocket is the last and most serious problem of US-Russian cooperation in space. Last month, an oxygen leak was discovered in the International Space Station, which, according to Rogozin, was done deliberately. His cause has still not been determined. The Russian authorities also insisted that a greater role be taken in the US project to build a space station in orbit around the moon.

Nevertheless, officials in both countries continue to view spaceflight as a rare example of continued US-Russian cooperation despite geopolitical tensions.

"I firmly believe that we will get the right answer to the cause of the hole in the International Space Station and that together we will continue our strong collaboration," said Bridenstine during a visit to Moscow this week. The Associated Press. "What we must do is that we must allow the investigation to proceed in a very impartial manner, without speculation, without rumors, without hints, without conspiracy."

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