The space station crew returns to Earth after a "hard landing", but astronauts are well


A Russian space capsule with three astronauts on board returned to Earth Thursday in a deserted part of Kazakhstan, despite a last minute emergency maneuver that gave their landing the intensity of a "small" road accident, "according to NASA.

The Soyuz MS-08 was carrying Russians Oleg Artemyev and Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold from NASA. The three men gave signs of thumbs up when they were removed from their narrow module and wrapped in warm blankets.

They had spent the last six months aboard the International Space Station. The Americans flew three space sorties during their 197-day stay, performing maintenance on the in-orbit lab.

Their landing was a shock, with rockets slowing the landing, which is the equivalent in the aerospace of slamming the brakes, NASA said. The astronauts were not injured.

All three made satellite phone calls to friends and family. Artemyev received fresh fruit, including a cantaloupe. Their return trip had started four hours earlier, when they unlocked the station and looped around the lab so that Feustel could take pictures to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the launch of the module in November 1998.

The space laboratory staff has been composed of international astronaut teams since October 2000.

While Feustel was taking pictures, someone on the space-to-ground audio link exclaimed: "It's great!" A Russian speaker replied: "Drew, good job."

After landing, Artemyev said, "We are feeling good, we are in the mood to celebrate."

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