The specs on the next Tesla roadster may be crazier than Musk has told us – BGR


As far as ambitious production cars are concerned, the next-generation Tesla roadster is probably a class apart. Originally unveiled last November, the upcoming Tesla roadster is nothing but a speed demon. Not only does the car run from 0 to 60 mph in 1.9 seconds, it can also go from 0 to 100 mph in a record time of 4.2 seconds. Beyond that, the car can accommodate 4 and will have a top speed of over 250 MPH. And like a beautiful cherry on top, Tesla claims the car will have a reach in and around 620 miles.

That's the good news. The bad news is that the car will not be available until 2020. The imminent questioning, of course, is whether or not the next-generation roadster will see the light of day by 2020 as one we told him. Almost a secret, every car that Tesla has released has been subject to many production delays, so healthy skepticism is warranted.

All of this aside, we will not seem to have to wait until 2020 to find out how the Roadster rolls. A few months ago, Emile Bouret – who drives several luxury cars – was tasked with releasing members of the press for fast races on the Roadster after the launch of the car. Now, in case you wonder how Bouret managed to get such access, he was a college roommate with Tesla Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen.

So what did Bouret think of the new generation roadster? Well, just say, he's a fan. While noting that he can not say too much about the car, he responded to the skepticism surrounding the car's specifications.

I know that there is some skepticism about the numbers that Elon quoted … and I think I can say without getting into trouble that these are real numbers. These are not theories. These are not calculations. We made these numbers. And I probably should not say that these numbers are even conservative, but they are. This thing is going to be an appropriate weapon.

The full video can be viewed below.

Finally, Elon Musk said last month that the tests of the car will be available to interested buyers by the end of 2019.

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