The spread to school is marked by the growing number of Ebola cases in the DRC


While the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reaches 194 cases and the death toll has reached 122, a humanitarian group today added a new concern: the virus it's now propagated in a school. The group also said that the response efforts were once again interrupted by regional violence.

Health officials in the DRC confirmed yesterday 6 new cases of Ebola in the latest hotspot Beni, including 3 deaths, while the number of suspected cases continues to accumulate. Of a total of 194 cases, 159 are confirmed and 35 are probable.

In addition, a World Health Organization (WHO) official said the outbreak would continue until 2019.

Officials investigate 25 suspected cases

The DRC Ministry of Health has stated that the 6 new cases in Beni include 3 deaths in the community, a matter of concern as it involves a high exposure of the people being cared for. The ministry also noted a death in a previously reported patient.

Health officials follow 25 suspected cases, as against 20 the previous day. The DRC reported 29 new cases in just 6 days, or 15% of the total number of cases in the entire epidemic that began in August.

The event is already the seventh largest outbreak of Ebola ever recorded. Everyone remembers the colossal epidemic of 2014-2016 in West Africa, which has reached nearly 29,000 cases. But only five other epidemics have exceeded 200 infections and range from 224 to 425.

Among them are the very first known outbreaks of Ebola. In 1976, during separate epidemics, the virus infected at least 284 people in Sudan and 318 in Zaire, which is now the DRC.

The vast majority of new cases of the current epidemic in the DRC have taken place in Beni, an area of ​​rebel violence and community resistance to vaccination efforts. Yesterday, DRC officials implemented new measures to help slow the epidemic outbreak in the region, including banning the housing of suspected Ebola patients and keeping them away from treatment centers Ebola.

Transmission to the school

The International Rescue Committee (IRC), a non-profit humanitarian organization based in New York, said today that the disease has spread to a school in the DRC. The IRC also noted in a press release that the number of new cases each day has more than doubled since October 1, likely due to a suspension of response activities at the end of last month to Beni because of rebel violence.

"This is a sign not only that the epidemic is not under control, but that without the full commitment of the community, the situation could worsen," said Michelle Gayer, senior director of health for urgency of the IRC.

Gayer added: "We have recently seen the transmission of the Ebola virus in a school, opening a new front in the fight against the disease." She expressed deep concern at the interruptions in Beni's response efforts.

"We are operating in an extremely unstable environment where the security situation continues to deteriorate, threatening the lives and livelihoods of the community and disrupting the response." The programs are again suspended today. due to turmoil and violence Every time the response to Ebola is interrupted Teams are not able to trace patient contacts, vaccinate those in need, and ensure the safety of burial practices " , she said.

"We are at a critical juncture in the response and our teams are very concerned that the number of new business may continue to increase," said Geyer. "In the coming days, it is essential that organizations continue to work alongside the local community to strengthen the relationship and work to increase access to those in need."

No quick end in sight

Peter Salama, MD, director of the WHO emergency response, today told Reuters that he sees no quick fix to end the DRC epidemic. .

"We expect that we will now wait at least another 3-4 months to actually stem this epidemic, focusing on Beni and its surroundings," he said. "I would say that's the best case."

Salama added that the next few days will indicate whether the last wave in Beni is over and that everything will depend on the safety of the stakeholders in the region and the level of resistance of the community.

"If, however, this peak increases with a peak of insecurity that limits our ability to access all these cases and their contacts, we could witness a much larger wave." Much depends on this situation security, "he added. .

See also:

Press release of 11 October IRC

October 10, update of the DRC Ministry of Health

October 11 story of Reuters

October 10 News from CIDRAP "Authorities confirm 7 more cases of Ebola in DRC"

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