The sprint convinces convincingly


Photo: Getty

Despite having more than 50 million customers, Sprint's network coverage has always been a joke. But just recently, in a somewhat surprising move, Sprint showed us how much of its LTE coverage was actually a unique and eye-catching infographic.

Normally, Sprint would not share something that is overwhelming. But the company hopes that by comparing its network coverage with Verizon, T-Mobile and AT & T, it will be able to prove to all pesky regulators that its $ 26.5 billion merger proposal with T-Mobile does not will not cause a significant decrease in competition.

If you compare the Sprint LTE Coverage Cards above to those found on the company's website, it is clear that there is a huge gap between the type of coverage that customers can take and what Sprint actually offers.

Screen capture: Sprint

Even if you admit that much of the difference between the two can be attributed to Sprint's overall network size compared to its LTE coverage, all that yellow painted in the US is at best a bit misleading.

Unfortunately, unless there is divine intervention, the T-Mo / Sprint merger will likely be approved, which will leave us with three major carriers instead of four. This means that the United States will find itself in a similar situation to Canada, dominated by three suppliers: Rogers, Bell and Telus.

Despite Sprint's relatively low LTE coverage, this merger is expected to continue to worry all mobile phone users, as our neighbors to the north are suffering from one of the highest telephone bills in the developed world.

Currently, the Sprint / T-Mo merger is in the final phase of comments which will end on October 9th. After that, it will be up to the FCC to decide the fate of the operation, with a final decision that could be announced before the end of the year.

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