The state sets variable fees for the new highway. 99 Seattle tunnel


Workers paint track strips on the SR99 Waterfront Tunnel (Photo: WSDOT)

OLYMPIA, Washington – Authorities approved the toll Tuesday for the new Highway 99 tunnel in Seattle, which will vary depending on the time and day of the week.

The State Transportation Commission approved the fees, which initially range from a low of $ 1 during low traffic hours to a high of $ 2.25 during afternoon rush hours . The vote was unanimous.

Rates will increase by 3% every three years, with the first increase coming into effect in 2022.

Funds generated from tolls will be used to repay $ 200 million in construction costs and to pay for ongoing maintenance, operation and safety systems.

Officials say the tunnel will not charge toll when it opens in January. Instead, the loading will begin after the installation of the toll equipment at a date to be determined.

Not everyone will have to pay the tolls, according to the staff of the commission. Exemptions will be in place for buses providing transit service, vans to share, such as van pools, emergency vehicles and some maintenance and intervention vehicles.

Here are the approved tolls and the hours they will be in effect:

– during the week, from 6 am to 7 pm – $ 1.25

– weekdays, 7 am to 9 pm – $ 1.50

– weekdays, 9 am to 3 pm – $ 1.25

– during the week from 3 pm to 6 pm – $ 2.25

– during the week, from 6 pm to 11 pm – $ 1.25

– weekdays, 11 pm to 6 am – $ 1

– Weekends, all hours – $ 1

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