Florence 's again strengthened in a hurricane Sunday while forecasters warned that the giant storm could threaten the east coast by the end of the week.

Florence 's again strengthened in a hurricane Sunday, as forecasters warned that the looming storm could cause a brutal blow along the East Coast by the end of the week.

Florence was to become a category 3 hurricane on Monday with sustained winds of more than 110 mph. And it is unlikely to falter before reaching the shores of North Carolina and South Carolina and Virginia on Thursday, said Brett Rossi, an AccuWeather meteorologist.

The ground is already saturated with recent rains, the rivers are high and the storm will move slowly when it arrives, which will aggravate the situation, Rossi told USA DAY.

"It's a very scary rain event that could set up this week," Rossi said. "Florence could dump a foot of rain in places that can not stand it, creating a very scary flood situation in some areas."

The destruction of the force of the storm by the National Hurricane Center indicates that Category 3 storms can cause "devastating" destruction. The center warns that houses can be damaged, trees uprooted and that electricity and water can be destroyed for days or weeks.

"There is a growing risk of life-threatening hazards from storm surges and heavy Caroline rains in the central Atlantic coastal region," tweeted the hurricane center.

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The Navy said all ships in the coastal area of ​​Hampton Roads, Virginia, were preparing to leave the port on Monday for an open sea. Admiral Christopher Grady said that ships can better withstand "storms of this magnitude when they are underway".

Emergency management officials in South Carolina said they "were preparing for the eventuality of a large-scale disaster."

Virginia joined North Carolina and South Carolina declaring the state of emergency before the storm. Governor Ralph Northam said the Virginia National Guard, the Virginia State Police and other state agencies had already begun preparations.

Because of the uncertainty of the storm's trajectory, Northam encouraged all residents of the state to prepare for the storm. Florence could bring major floods along the coast to rivers and streams in the western part of the state, he added.

"I encourage Virginians to monitor the forecasts and make their own preparations now," Northam said.

The three governors urged residents to assemble emergency kits that include food, water, medicine, pet supplies and important documents that may be needed if evacuations were required. .

"It's time for your family to prepare and stay tuned for more updates," said South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster. "Plan for the worst, pray for the best."

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