The story hidden behind Julia Roberts '' Homecoming & # 39 ;, Amazon's latest show of Amazon (Exclusive)


Julia Robert brings Back home to a whole new level.

In Amazon's half-hour psychological thriller, inspired by the popular podcast of Gimlet Media, Roberts interprets Heidi Bergman, a social worker working with a young veteran, Walter Cruz (Stephan James), in a secret government facility whose purpose is to help transition soldiers reintegrate into civilian life. Or, at least, that's what they say their goal is. The story is told in two distinct periods: 2018, when Heidi works in the institution, and 2022, when she goes to a dilapidated dinner and that an investigator goes into approach about a complaint filed by Walter. Back home stars the regular television show in the series for Roberts in his rich history of three decades of career.

"I'm the same worker bee," said the Academy Award-winning actress Keltie Knight in October. "I found a good script and I wanted to do it, so the place where he landed was very little to me."

Mr. Robot Creator Sam Esmail, who directed the entire first season of 10 episodes, began working with Roberts as the main woman of the drama. The 51-year-old actress said Esmail's involvement was one of the main factors that led her to join the project. This fact has "flattered" this auspice.

"It's surreal because I have to be honest with you, I was really nervous before talking to her." When I heard that she was interested and when I was started using Skyped for the first time with her, nerves were a little tense at first talk, "Esmail says ET. "As if we were old friends, I do not even think we talked about the show for 30 or 45 minutes, we were just talking about the life of the other.[at[to[à[toEmmy Rossum]and she was talking about her family and it turned out at this strange time when I can say that Julia Roberts is a good friend of mine. "

Amazon Studios

For most of her career, Roberts has been dubbed the US friend, and Esmail said that Back home "demystifies" public perception of the power of his movie star.

"She is not sequestrated in her caravan, she is hanging around with us on the set, she is throbbing with the cameramen and the handgrips, and when she is on the set and we are working, she is ready, ready to go, " he said. "Not only can I give her grades, I can probably give her more than I usually can for other people, because she is so flawless in her job, she's so at the top of her game that she's can do all this stuff, go up and down the stairs with heels and always take 20 notes – it's amazing and so impressive to watch. "

James, a burgeoning Canadian actor, is also impressive. Barry Jenkins«Oscar Candidate If Beale Street could speak), whose joke with Roberts is fascinating and intriguing to watch throughout the season. James, who was filming Beale Street when Back home came to him, recalled his hearing experience being one of the nine guys reading opposite Roberts.

"I am again scratching my head, "James confessed to ET, thinking back to the whirlwind of a few months at the end of 2017 that led him to this point." I felt good. I did not really know where I was standing. Julia definitely made me feel comfortable and I thought it was a good read. "

"We read together, he came out of the room and I thought," Well, c & # 39; the guy, right there, "recalls Roberts. Someone will stop on the parking lot. See it's available in February! "

Amazon Prime Video

Roberts and James had only glowing words to tell about their working time during the first season, recognizing Esmail for having created a creative and dynamic environment in which ideas and innovations were accepted.

"I do not think I've ever been on a set like this … Spirits, Sam Esmail's powers to our writers Eli [[[[Horowitz]and Micah [[[[Bloomberg], who are at the engineering level of our DPTod Campbell, "Said James. I was blown away by the facilities every day when I got to work and where will they place the camera today. "

"I do not think I've seen Stephan's talent for creativity, professionalism, joy, and truth, it's unique, it's amazing. paper, was really disheartening and overwhelming and not the faint of heart, "Roberts said. "We always smiled at the end of the day."

In July 2017, Amazon placed a two-season order for Back home (the second installment of the podcast has already been created) and though it is unclear whether Roberts will return to direct the second year, Horowitz and Bloomberg are working hard to create the new episodes. Esmail insisted that there was no internal pressure to change the season two plan, depending on how the first 10 episodes are received.

"Honestly, the first season was trying to stay intimate and really talk about these people and their journey together," he said, "and that's how we'll tackle the second season."

Back home is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.


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