The Strangest PPV Teams in the WWE Survivor Series


The top five PPVs in the Survivor series addressed the theme: 5: 5 or 4: 4 playoff games, which often lasted 20 minutes or more. But the sixth PPV of the Survivor series, in 1992, had only one game in the Survivor series; the others were single or match matches, like any other PPV. WWE even planned to change the name of the PPV in 2010; they only kept it because of the outcry aroused by the fans.

The fact is that it is difficult to make these types of correspondences coherent from a narrative point of view; there are simply too many wrestlers involved so that each of them has a personal interest in the result. That's why last year's Survivor series, which runs the entire Raw Contest against Smackdown, works so well. It's not necessary to have personal problems at play, but a simple "brand supremacy" contest. Fans are getting dream games (like the upcoming rematch between AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar), and they do not disrupt a brand's storylines for a month.

When Survivor Series is randomly selected, you get strange teams like this gallery. Why are they friends? Why should we care? Do not worry about it, and do not think about it too much. Here are eight of the weirdest teams in the WWE Survivor Series of all time.

If you enjoyed this gallery, check out the most shocking moments in Survivor Series history, check out the Survivor Series PPV game sheet, and be sure to visit Gamespot on Sunday, November 18th when we will cover the entire event live.

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