The student gives an awkward nickname to the teacher, accidentally submits paper without changing it


We all had a misfortune with the words written in our lives, whether it was accidentally sending the wrong text to the wrong person or sending an email before we finished editing.

But this student has just gone to the upper level of the discomfort related to the text.

Twitter user @zoeyoxley shared a major publishing error on Twitter with the caption "a series of unfortunate events."

After submitting a paper to her teacher, Oxley noticed that she had not changed the name of the mark that she had given to the teacher in question.

It would not have been the end of the world, was it not because Oxford had chosen the name of the place "Professor what is crazy".

Let's take a closer look at some of these screenshots …

Oxley was not the only one to find that this fictitious name was funny enough to share on social networks.

The teacher – the teacher, which is crazy, if you will – also tweeted about the incident of the name of the placeholder.

People on Twitter have had a lot of feelings about this name getting mixed up.

This could happen to anyone, honestly!

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