The Sun has noticed a giant spherical object


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In 2012, the images, taken by NASA, were seen as a strange spherical object.

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It should be noted that we are talking about the official video, which was published by the NASA space agency. Then the scientists were unable to explain what he saw.

Recently, the situation has been repeated: closing the lights has again noticed the object to a spherical shape. The video was posted on paranormalcrucible, a YouTube channel user.

The experts began to build various assumptions about the body. Some said that near the sun flashed the same Nibiru. Another option: the star has approached the alien ship to recharge. The second theory defies criticism because it spotted the body about the size of Jupiter, both for spacecraft.

It is also interesting to consider that the object approached the Sun very closely, the other would be burned and evaporated. Only a few videos, it is impossible to say exactly what appeared in the frame, so the question remains open.

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