The superintendent of Boston schools resigns 1 day after filing a deportation complaint


Groups are pursuing for records to "understand how well (Boston Public Schools) shares this information" with the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, known as the BRIC, which the group of lawyers described as "a network of federal law enforcement agencies, which includes (Immigration and Customs Application). "The group said in a statement that" the BPS refuses to share information ".

"Student advocacy groups filed their first application for public documents after learning that a student from East Boston High School had been deported based, in part, on a common school incident. to the Boston School Police. with ICE via the BRIC ", says the press release of the group of lawyers. The "school incident" refers to two students who tried to fight but who failed.

Neither Chang nor Boston Mayor Martin Walsh gave any particular reason for leaving Chang. In addition, neither the Chang letter nor the school district indicated when the resignation would come into effect, but the WCVB reported that Chang would leave his post before the start of the new school year.

Originally from Taiwan, Chang moved to the United States at the age of six, says the school district's website. He said in his farewell letter Friday that public school teachers have guided him in his educational journey, including learning English.

"At this time more than ever, I want every immigrant child to know that this is the country that America strives to be, must be, and will be," Chang said.

Walsh said in a statement that he and Chang "were mutually agreed that there had to be a change of leadership".

"We need a long-term education leader with a proven track record in management who can gain the community's trust in the district's strategic vision and execute the many initiatives that have been identified as priorities." for our students and our schools. Mayor's statement read.

Chang became head of the Boston School Division in 2015, according to the Boston Public Schools website. He got a five-year contract, which according to the website is "the longest in the country for the head of a large urban district". Prior to joining the Boston School System, Chang was Superintendent of the Intensive Support and Innovation Center of the Los Angeles Unified School District in California.

CNN's Ursula Perano contributed to this report.

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