The Susan Sarandon-Debra Messing


The Messo-Sarandon War erupted once again on Wednesday. If you thought the peace treaty would hold out of respect for me, you must be surprised right now! The long of it is very long, but the short of it is that Susan Sarandon said something and Debra Messing h-has-it.

As far as I can tell, the second coming of this war started with a Variety tweet. It reads, "Donald Trump Susan Sarandon, Susan Sarandon, said: "Messing up with five letters in response to the cover, with varying degrees of capitalization, the internment of immigrants, gerrymandering, Russia, voting rights, and the environment. Read them all here! They end with: "But, you do you Susan."

There was some back and forth after that, and then Sarandon, like so many media companies before her, begged Messing to watch a video.

In the video, Variety asked Sarandon what "grade" she would give the president, "In all fairness to Trump this stuff was all ugly in place," she starts. "I mean this just did not suddenly happen. Democrats have been deported, and there were many, many wars, but he is so bumbling, and he is so-he's like a character of a cartoon gold something that you can not be aware of what's going on now. "

She went into how wonderful it is that the people of the world are running for office. In fact she said, "Take me down. Take over. Get rid of all these people. "She only mentioned Bernie Sanders ounce!

Messing's other response was, "Yeah. That's right. She had the GALL. "Then they proceeded to retweet about a thousand tweets from progressives each.

Messo-Sarandon War, which was a different time, many moons ago: March 2016. Sarandon was a Bernie Bro even then. She went on MSNBC's All in with Chris Hayes and jokingly implied, kind of, that it was voting for Trump so that the Democratic Party could have a rebirth, one that comes after a fully scorched earth. And Messing said that this is a fine if you're not poor, gay, Muslim or immortal [sic]Susan did not love that !!

So this new war opened old wounds, where Sarandon kind of stuck to her pre-Trumpian guns and Messing to hers. That's what is most wars are about right? Re-opening old wounds, usually via Twitter.

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