The synagogue draws on the anti-Semitic sighs of the suspect Robert Bowers


Authorities estimate that 11 people killed in a Pittsburgh synagogue had already published racist, anti-immigrant, and anti-Semitic remarks – and expressed their violent intentions Saturday shortly before entering the house of worship.

In an article about Gab, Gab, on a Twitter-like social media platform, Robert Bowers talked about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, a non-profit organization that helps resettle immigrants and refugees.

"HIAS likes to bring in invaders who would kill our people," wrote Bowers, 46, about an hour before officials say he was targeting worshipers inside the synagogue. 39, Tree of life. "I can not stand by and watch my people get slaughtered."

Bowers did not mention the synagogue, but coldly added, "Fool yourself with optics, I'm going."

Officials said Bowers had used an "assault rifle" and had three handguns on him when he went to the police after the bloodshed in the synagogue. He was injured by the police, but the nature of his injuries was not revealed immediately.

Owner of licensed firearm having legally purchased at least six firearms since 1996, Bowers had no criminal record and was "unknown to law enforcement" prior to the massacre, according to the Special agent Bob Jones from the FBI office in Pittsburgh. "The suspect's motive is unknown, but we think he's acting alone," Jones said.

Beyond his virulent anti-Semitism – and apparent love for guns – little was known about Bowers, who live in a mundane apartment in the middle-class neighborhood of the Baldwin neighborhood of the South Hills in Pittsburgh. . Neighbors of one of his last known addresses told the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that he frequented the house and that he might have been busy with a disabled person. .

Online detectives identifies him as an enraged user on Gab, an alternative alternative to similar sites.

The profile page since Bowers was removed under the name @onedingo has designated the Jews as "the children of Satan".

He created his Gab profile in January, but had already posted 627 posts on the site. Disturbing comments such as: "Daily reminder: Diversity, it's chasing the last White."

He frequently republished anti-Jewish memes, many of which questioned the Holocaust.

The material, archived by social media users, included several negative articles about Muslims and caravans of Central American migrants, including: "I noticed a change in the number of people saying" illegal " , who now say "invaders," six days ago. "I like that."

He also criticized President Donald Trump, who he said was "globalist and non-nationalist" and controlled by the Jews. "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation," he wrote.

Another anti-Trump post described a man in a kippah telling Trump: "Your character will appear to the public as a white racist. That's how we control Whites, "Trump replies," Yes, sir. "

Responding to a message from Gab that Trump "betrayed the Americans in Charlottesville by comparing them to a violent crowd." "

He was not affiliated with a political party when registering the elector.

Gab confirmed that the account was Bowers and stated that he had backed up all account data before suspending it. The company issued a statement condemning the shooting and "all acts of terrorism and violence".

"It has always been our policy," the statement said. "We are saddened and saddened by the news of the violence in Pittsburgh and we keep the families and friends of all the victims in our thoughts and prayers."

"Gab's mission is very simple: to defend freedom of expression and individual online freedom for all people," the statement said, adding, "Social media often brings out the best and the worst of the world. 39; humanity. "

Bowers was taken to Allegheny General Hospital, where security was reinforced late Saturday.

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