The "tankan" economic survey of Japan shows a decline in sentiment | Economic news


TOKYO (AP) – A key quarterly economic study conducted by the Bank of Japan shows that sentiment among major manufacturers has fallen by two points to 19, as concern grows against global trade tensions.

The survey "tankan", published Monday, marks the third consecutive quarter of decline.

The survey, long regarded as an important indicator of the situation of the world's third largest economy, examines the difference between respondents with "favorable" prospects and firms with "unfavorable" prospects.

The latest results show that optimists outnumber pessimists, but the gap is narrowing.

Manufacturers surveyed include car manufacturers and electronics companies, which are the backbone of the Japanese economy.

Some analysts were expecting a rebound of sentiment.

Japan's growth depends on exports, and any slowdown in pan-Pacific trade would undermine confidence. Uncertainty in trade disputes with the United States would also discourage investment as manufacturers are slow to wait to see if their sales or profits could be affected by newly imposed tariffs or other policies inspired by the position. from President Donald Trump on trade.

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