The teacher faces an allegation of abuse on a child after the video hit a student


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By Dennis Romero

A teacher in the Los Angeles area who was filmed repeatedly punching a student was released Saturday after being held overnight.

Marston Riley, a 64-year-old high school music teacher at Maywood Academy High School, was arrested on suspicion of child abuse on Friday afternoon, according to detainee records from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.

He was released Saturday morning on the basis of a $ 50,000 bail. NBC News could not determine if he had a lawyer.

A student is seen on a mobile phone video captured by students facing the man, alleging that he had spoken badly about the teenager. At first, Riley seems to be patient whereas the student curses him, calls him a racial epithet and launches a challenge to the man.

"What's up, my brother," said the child, standing next to the instructor, threatening.

After getting up silently, the teacher hit the student, hitting him before a person wearing a yellow safety vest interjects, shows a video.

Sheriff L.A.'s officials said in a statement that the altercation had occurred at 1:15 pm. Friday at the Maywood School, California, a small town southeast of downtown Los Angeles.

Authorities identified the student only as being 14 years old. He was hospitalized for "moderate injuries" and then released, according to the Sheriff's statement.

"We are extremely disturbed by the news of what happened at Maywood Academy High School," Los Angeles Unified Schools spokeswoman Shannon Haber said in a statement.

"We take this case very seriously and tolerate no violence or intolerance of any kind," she said. "Los Angeles Unified is cooperating with law enforcement to investigate this incident and crisis counselors and additional police patrols will be going to school on Monday to support our students and staff. . "

Riley is due to appear on November 30th.

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