The Tesla Model 3 keychain looks like a Tesla 3 model


the Tesla Model 3 is generally operated via a smartphone app, with key cards available as a backup, but it seems that Tesla is bowing to customer pressure and putting up a separate keychain for its cheapest car range.

As spotted by ELECTrek, new documents sent by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulator in the United States detail the specifications of the new key ring and also include some pictures. Looks like model 3 owners are going to have a new way to unlock their vehicles as soon as possible.

The introduction of the new keychain will not be a surprise – the X model and Models The cars launched by Tesla already have keychains that are very similar to the engines to which they are attached, so it is logical that the model 3 finally join the party.

Tesla Model 3 fob

Tesla Model 3 fob (via Electrek)

This was quite a 2018 for Tesla and CEO Elon Musk, and many important stories involving the car company focused on Model 3 – Tesla's attempt to bring back its vehicles at an affordable price to the # 39; average motorist.

The very first 3 models hit the road in 2017, but the production lines do not always have worked well Since then, Tesla has been trying to increase its capacity to such an extent that it actually makes a profit on these cars of $ 35,000 and up (prices in the UK have not yet been fixed). Elon Musk himself supervised production lines.

With sabotage reports from inside the company and the occasional car accident To deal with the situation, it seems that the future of Tesla will continue to be unstable in the foreseeable future, even if the delivery times start going down.

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