The Thai Bay made famous by "The Beach" closes indefinitely as the Philippines places their visitor ceiling on the "cloaca" of Boracay


IIn 2006, a Thai court ordered Twentieth Century Fox and others to pay compensation for damages to Maya Bay while filming The Beach.

When the bay reopens, the Thai authorities plan to limit the number of visitors to 2,000 per day and ban the use of anchors.

On Wednesday, the Philippines also announced that it would limit the number of tourists to Boracay when reopening on Oct. 26, after a six-month shutdown, to enable it to rehabilitate itself.

The island, which covers just under four square miles, hosted nearly two million local and foreign visitors last year.

When reopened, only 19,000 tourists will be allowed on the island every day, with a maximum of 15,000 workers. Only half of the 12,000 hotel rooms will be allowed and parties at the seaside will be prohibited.

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