The three defendants were convicted of wire fraud during a corruption trial at a college


Two Adidas officials and a future NBA agent were convicted of wire fraud and wire fraud ploys on Wednesday, in connection with covert wage tactics for families of the best basketball recruits to honor their commitments to adidas-sponsored college teams.

The jury's verdict, issued after more than two days of deliberations following a three-week trial, allowed federal prosecutors and FBI agents in New York to win, who have been investigating for more than three weeks. years on the black market university basketball and have two other tests arising from the survey scheduled for next year.

In agreement with prosecutors, the jury agreed with the government's argument that, in violation of the NCAA rules, the men of the five largest recruits, ranging from $ 2,500 to $ 90,000, defrauded the states of North Carolina. because the schools would not do it. awarded bursaries to these recruits if they were aware of the illegal payments, and now face potential NCAA sanctions and monetary penalties accordingly.

The accused – Jim Gatto, 48, former marketing director of Adidas basketball; Merl Code, 44, former consultant for Adidas basketball; and Christian Dawkins, 25, a former recruiter for ASM, a leading sports agency, is each facing a prison sentence.

While wire fraud and wire fraud conspiracy each result in prison sentences of up to 20 years, actual sentences may vary considerably depending on the discretion of the judge. The legal observers of the case do not expect that Gatto, Code and Dawkins will be sentenced to sentences each exceeding a few years, with the probability that all will appeal and ask to remain free while waiting for it. 39, issue, which could take several years.

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