The throwing bar of the ax deemed dangerous, the alcohol license is suspended for 1 day


Michigan Liquor Control Commission Logo

Hub Stadium, an Auburn Hills bar with ax launching lanes, has seen its liquor license and its licenses suspended by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for a day to develop new safety procedures and precautions.

Drinking alcohol while throwing axes, open-toed hedge trimmers, a lack of supervision by the bar's management, and axes coming back to the participants were among the concerns of Michigan Liquor Control Commission investigators. . at 2550 Innovation Drive in Auburn Hills.

"An accredited facility that allows alcohol-consuming customers to dispose of potentially dangerous and even lethal weapons has raised serious concerns …", says a statement issued Tuesday, Sept. 25 by the National Office of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). "Although the (Michigan Liquor Control Commission) does not regulate the throwing of axes or any other sport – and it is not against the law that sports activities take place in licensed establishments – once the results of the Public health investigation existed in this establishment, the (Michigan Liquor Control Commission) ordered the hearing. "

The one – day suspension was served on September 10.

The bar's management told the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that they "had made changes and would continue to implement others," according to LARA.

The changes that were made to alleviate the concerns were not revealed by LARA or the Liquor Commission in Tuesday's statement.

In addition to throwing axes, Hub Stadium offers two bars, a dance license, craft beers and cocktails, food and "bombowling", more known in the Detroit area as "fowling". throwing soccer balls on blow-out pins.

The following are additional concerns noted by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission after reviewing videos on Stadium Hub's social media platforms:

  • Customers throwing axes on bottles of spirits, consuming shots in the bottle that was not struck, and a message posted on the video stating: "Who said not to mix d & # 39; alcohol with the ax throwing? "
  • A person bouncing an ax on the ground to hit the target.
  • A person flipping the ax in the air and catching it with the other hand before throwing the ax on the target.
  • A person who launches two axes at a time.
  • Three people identified in the video coaches throwing axes on a target at the same time.
  • A person drops and catches axes on his back before throwing two axes at the same time on a target.
  • A person who tries to balance his feet on a strap, walk barefoot (tightrope style), carry and throw an ax at the target.
  • A person juggling with two axes before launching them on the target.

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