The Timberwolves say that Derrick Rose was the victim of a foul on the last shot


LOS ANGELES – The Timberwolves left no ambiguity about them. They thought Derrick had been fouled on the final shot of the Wolves game.

Four seconds from the end and the lagging Wolves, Rose dropped a three-pointer pointer near the top of the missing key, leading to a 114-110 victory over the Lakers on Wednesday at the Staples Center.

The Wolves who spoke after the match all said that they thought the officials should have blamed the new Laker Tyson Chandler.

"I want to see this game, it seemed to have been touched," said Tom Thibodeau. "So, I do not know, I want to take a look at that." From my point of view, it seemed like he had been touched at this game.

Taj Gibson was more certain.

"It was really messed up," Gibson said. "I thought it was right, but he was nudged. Tyson hit his hand, but the referees will call what they are going to call. "
Meanwhile, Rose has expressed frustration with the non-appeal.

"For you to ask the question, you had to see something. Do you feel me? Said Rose. "And it's not a lack of respect towards you. They will not give me this call. They did not call me that. I just have to get used to it.

It was only one of Rose's two misses behind the 3-point line all night. He reached a career high of seven 3 points to score 31 points while the Wolves reached the franchise record of 20 points to 3 points. The Wolves may have lost, but Wednesday was another step in Rose's career recovery, which had 50 points against the Jazz last week.

"They give me photos that I have worked on all summer," Rose said. "[Thibodeau] believe in me, my teammates believe in me to take those shots. "

Update Butler
Jimmy Butler showed few signs of her "general pain", playing over 43 minutes in the contest. Butler shot 9 of 18 from the field and 5 of 8 from the 3-point range, including a four-point game that brought the Wolves back into the game when it seemed like the Lakers were going for a run.

"I played 40 minutes, so yes, I'm a little tired," Butler said. "Do not ask me a follow-up question."

Butler played games against Utah last week and against Portland on Sunday.

Bench Questions
It was a tough night on a wolf bank, by the way solid, Wednesday. Together, the bench shot only 2 goals in 12 while the starters were carrying the bulk of the charge. Each bench player had less than 13 minutes for the match. Beginners, who included Rose, Butler, Karl-Anthony Towns, Andrew Wiggins and Gibson, combined to shoot 39 to 79.

Older Post

Butler plays against the Lakers tonight; Teague still outside

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