The trailer for "Vice" gives the impression that the film will appeal to the Oscars – VIDEO


Christian Bale has become an expert in masking his identity as a Batman, but in the all-new Vice trailer that was released Wednesday, the public can see the actor in what is surely his most unrecognizable role so far. Christian Bale plays the role of Dick Cheney in Vice and its transformation in part is nothing but extraordinary. In fact, all starred actors basically guarantee that it will be the film that everyone will talk about during the next season of prizes.

The trailer begins with a friendly conversation between Cheney de Bale and George W. Bush of Sam Rockwell, who hopes to recruit Cheney to be his vice president in the next election. But this cunning politician wants more than his role, not just the usual responsibilities of the vice president, and so he makes some suggestions as to what he wants to do work. "Well, George, I'm the CEO of a big company and I've been the defense secretary and chief of staff of the White House," Cheney tells Bush in the trailer. "The vice-presidency is essentially symbolic work. However, if we came to … uh … different understanding, I could handle the most mundane jobs: overseeing bureaucracy, energy, military policy and foreign policy. "

Bush's response to this apparently innocent request? "Right, I like that." And the rest, as they say, belongs to the story.

The trailer then shows Cheney, who climbs the DC ladder, talking to political colleagues at black tie events and attending various summits. But although Rockwell's Bush may feel comfortable with the dynamics, it's clear who's really responsible behind the scenes. It's the world of Cheney and we all live in this world.

Bale and Rockwell, however, are not the only outstanding performances to expect in the film. Vice interpreter also Steve Carrell in the role of Donald Rumsfeld, who asks Cheney: "Are you even more ruthless than before?" Jesse Plemons, Alison Pill, Lily Rabe and Tyler Perry will also appear in the project, which is expected to be released at Christmas. (Because really, what better way to celebrate the end of the year celebrations than with a few hours of political games?)

according to Vanity FairBale s' shaved his head, bleached his eyebrows and took 10 kg (40 pounds) to play the role of Cheney and it worked. In short, Bale is almost unrecognizable. But filmmaker Adam McKay, who has previously worked with Bale in The big court, is not surprised. In fact, he knew from the outset that Bale was the ideal person to face such a historical figure. "What Christian Bale actually does is that he psychologically divides a person and restores it," McKay told Deadline in an interview. "I've never seen anyone work so hard, and it's hard for him, but really amazing to watch. As soon as I thought about making the film, I immediately realized that the most exciting person to play it was Christian. "

So, should we just give the Oscar to Basel now or wait a few more months?

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