The trailer of good omens officially released


Amazon released the first trailer for Good omens in New York Comic Con. The upcoming series is adapted from the book of the same name written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It tells the story of a demon named Crowley (David Tennant) and an angel named Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) seeking to quit Armageddon after getting used to life on Earth. The fussy angel and the cunning devil are silencing the unlikely couple.

The troupe and the crew, including Gaiman (who is the writer and host of the series), Tennant, Sheen, Jon Hamm, who plays the Angel Gabriel, and Miranda Richardson, who plays Mrs. Tracy, were all present to talk about the series. They all praised Gaiman's writing, calling Tennant the "delicious" script. Much of the discussion focused on the relationship and chemistry between the characters of Tennant and Sheen, an essential part of the series. The favorite part of both actors 'show was to develop characters' relationships through time, which fans could see in the trailer.

Related: Good Omen: The Neil Gaiman Aware Series Will Offend Its Share of People

The trailer, set to Queen's "You're my best friend" (because, according to the book, a cassette left in a car turned into "Best Of Queen") begins with quick flashes teasing the epic war to come. According to Crowley, "it's the war to end everything" and he needs the help of his friend to stop him. But Aziraphale is reluctant, pointing out that as a demon and an angel, they are on the same side. The relationship between strange couples is the highlight of the trailer because the two men meet again and again throughout the story. The trailer also shows some of the show's epic reach, which has filmed over 100 different locations. Among the most notable for book lovers are the first glimpse of Aziraphale's beloved bookstore and Crowley's 1930s Bentley. You can watch the trailer below.

What's interesting is that the trailer does not show Adam Young (Sam Taylor Buck), the boy who (accidentally) becomes the antichrist or Warlock Dowling (Samson Marraccino). None of the young actors appear in the trailer, even though it has important parts in the book. However, it makes sense to market the first trailer with the biggest stars of the show and the couple's fans are the most enthusiastic to see on the screen. There will surely be more trailers featuring the rest of the cast, with more than 240 pieces being played. There are many other characters who have not been seen yet, including Gabriel in Hamm and The Four Horsemen of Revelation.

Fans of New York Comic Con were also able to watch two short films, one showing more Aziraphale and Crowley, the other with Gabriel in the bookshop Aziraphale. Many praised the way the tone of the clips and the trailer matched the book's devilishly intelligent writing. While the other series is inspired by a novel by Gaiman, American gods, took a very different approach by making radical changes and stretching the story, Good omens will remain much more faithful to its source. The Amazon show will feature only a miniseries of 6 episodes, so there will be no season 2. The end is near.

More: American Gods Season 2: Trailer and NYCC Poster: Prepare for War

Good omens will be available for broadcast on Amazon Prime in 2019.

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