The Treasury targets the wife of Maduro, the entourage with financial penalties


The Trump administration on Tuesday targeted four members of the tight circle of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro with financial sanctions, including his wife and his vice president.

The Treasury Department on Tuesday announced financial sanctions against Venezuelan First Lady and former Attorney General Cilia Adela Flores of Maduro, Executive Vice President Delcy Eloina Rodriguez Gomez, Minister of Propaganda Jorge Jesus Rodriguez Gomez and Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez.

The four targeted officials play critical roles in the Maduro regime and will be stranded from the US financial system. All of their US-based assets will be frozen and US companies and individuals will be excluded from any financial dealings with Maduro's assistants.

Tuesday's sanctions are the latest effort by the United States to criminalize government officials critical of Maduro's dictatorial control over Venezuela in the context of a growing economic and humanitarian crisis. Maduro has sought to strengthen its grip on Venezuela as the country suffers from hyperinflation, food shortages and human rights violations committed by the government.

"President Maduro is counting on his entourage to maintain his hold on power, while his regime is systematically plundering what remains of Venezuela's wealth," said the Treasury Secretary. Steven MnuchinSteven Terner MnuchinOn The Money: 0B More In Trump Tariffs China Cancels Trade Negotiations | CEO confidence slips on tariffs | GOP will move the bill of its expenses on the concerns of Trump | Behind the Scenes, Find Out How the GOP Tax Law Was Passed How the Trump Tax Law Was Passed: Breaking the Cobblestone 5 Things to Know About the Increasing Trade War Between Trump and China MORE said in a statement.

"We continue to appoint loyalists who allow Maduro to consolidate his hold on the army and the government while the Venezuelan people are suffering."

The Treasury also announced sanctions against a network of companies maintained by businessman Rafael Alfredo Sarria Diaz as a front organization of Diosdado Cabello Rondon, the president of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela.

The administration targeted three companies based in Venezuela, the British Virgin Islands and Spain; the director of one of the companies; The private American jet of Sarria Diaz; and the pilot of the jet.

The Trump administration had already targeted Maduro, the former Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El-Aissami and more than a dozen other Maduro government officials and allies since 2017.

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