Jeff Byard, of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said it was imperative that locals consider evacuation warnings. He says the time to escape Hurricane Florence is now. Arrival is late Thursday. (September 11th)

WASHINGTON – As Hurricane Florence approaches the southeastern coast, the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency is under investigation by the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security on its use government vehicles for personal travel.

Politico first reported the story on Thursday morning, locating three anonymous sources. The report says the DHS IG is investigating whether director Brock Long "abused resources and government staff" during his weekend to return home to Hickory, NC.

Long would have started having a government driver who would take him home since he took control of FEMA last year. The helpers who accompanied him were placed in hotels at the expense of taxpayers, said a politician.

Mr. Long responded to the investigation on Thursday by telling reporters, "Every day we work closely with the OIG and the (Government Accountability Office)" and "we will continue to cooperate fully with any future investigation".

"I would never intentionally do an incorrect program," he continued. "If we made mistakes in the way a program was run, then we would work with OIG to fix that – doing something ethical is not part of my DNA and it's not part of my background in my whole career. . "

More: Despite 2017 hurricane season, US lacks "preparedness culture," says FEMA administrator

More: FEMA's response to Hurricane Florence could help save a reputation tarnished by Maria

The news site said Long's trip was already the source of tension between him and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. Nielsen faced Long about the issue at a meeting at the end of August.

FEMA is already under surveillance as Hurricane Florence, potentially devastating, prepares to touch the coast of Carolina. Her reactions to past hurricanes, particularly Maria and Katrina, both of whom have had thousands of deaths, have come under heavy criticism.

Politico said FEMA had sent questions about the survey to the IG's office, which did not respond to the request for comments from the press organization.

Contributor: Ledyard King, USA TODAY & # 39; HUI

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