"The Triple Dark" of Star Wars Resistance offers another spy story


And we're back with episode 2 of Star Wars: Resistance, "The Triple Dark!". We start to see the plot a little more clearly. In this episode, Kaz and BB-8 discover an impending pirate attack and must stop it before it's too late. We also see Kaz getting a little closer to the spy that Poe needs him.

Swapna: The way the First Order hangs on this episode is similar to the threat it poses to the galaxy. I loved the setting, that the episode starts with Kaz, wondering how it is supposed to reveal information about the First Order, and ends with Phasma (HI GWENDOLYN CHRISTIE), revealing that the First Order is actually an ally pirates.

Preeti: Yes! Admittedly, I was getting a little frustrated on behalf of Kaz because I wanted to know too! How was he supposed to discover anything about the First Order and pretend to be a mechanic, when we do not even know why Poe put it on that basis?

Swapna: I completely agree. I love this show that gives a side to this espionage story that we do not normally see. Kaz is not a spy by trade. He wants to help the resistance, but he does not know where to start. This is the situation that almost all people would face if we were also immersed in a story like this.

Preeti: I'm always happy to see him pounding and fumbling, but I'm glad we could see him win a real victory in this episode. We see what Poe saw clearly in him: a good instinct and the ability to continue even when the odds seem too high.

Swapna: And one thing I forgot to mention in our last recap: I love the fact that Poe left BB-8 with Kaz. It connects us to the main story of the movie in a really easy and fun way, and BB-8 is always better.

Preeti: More BB-8 all the time! It's like a R2-D2 friendly and can work with almost everyone. It's a pleasure to see him and Kaz getting tied up. I made myself heard when Kaz said, "You're right, we're a good team."

Swapna: I think I have to reveal that I am R2-D2 and that you are BB-8 because I am pretty much a medium-sized version of you.

Preeti: Just call me Pree-Pree-8 (I'm really sorry).

Swapna: Does that make me R2-Swap2? (Not as sorry as I am.)

Preeti: We are both on the border with C-3PO right now. So back to the summary! I was delighted to see my favorite bird and pig again.

Swapna: Colorful characters and aliens are constantly improving in this show.

Preeti: That's the case, I can not wait to see more hackers and pilots. Between the two groups, we have many more women talking in this episode! I also wanted to talk about the Kaz Trophy and what it represents. This is his lucky charm, it is a rare and expensive material, and he won against his father's orders. This is clearly a big problem, and I can not wait to see how this case materializes and will have an impact on the plot. (Or maybe it will not, and it's just a trophy, but it was very serious.)

Swapna: For sure! I appreciated the fact that the trophy reminded us of Kaz's privileged background, but also what he had abandoned to work for the Resistance. It's a good egg.

I've also liked seeing more ships and technologies in this episode. It was a very good mix of pose character and ground preparation while telling a fun and relevant story, which is really hard to do in a 20 minute episode.

Preeti: In fact, I was surprised at how much they piled up. The beginning of Kaz, who was struggling to balance his two roles as mechanic and spy, could have been a single episode, but then it was necessary to add the pirates who attacked the base and Kaz save the day. more than I expected. This gave us a lot in terms of characterization and history.

Swapna: We also received information on what the general public feels about the resistance, which is not … great. They think that resistance is essentially a fear.

Preeti: But that specifies what we suppose of cinema.

Swapna: And is not that what we learn in Line by Claudia Gray too?

Preeti: So it's an interesting time where, because we've experimented with all three types of Star Wars media, we can collect items, but because they've written the point of the plot in a way that does not seem redundant. reading the book, or maybe even seeing movies) would not feel lost, but even after reading and watching, one does not feel that they are repeating themselves.

Swapna: Yes! One of my great hopes for Star Wars' growing universe is that different pieces can exist on their own. And that was a criticism I had about The rebels – As much as I enjoyed the show, as it progressed, it became more and more difficult to understand if you had not seen Wars of clones. But so far, Resistance is standing on both feet. They do a great job balancing the larger plot with the small daily tasks that Kaz faces. I hope that they will continue in this way.

Preeti: Yes, only time will tell. The speed with which we see Phasma is a little disconcerted, but I am very intrigued to see where the partnership is going and why they are so interested in this foundation.

Swapna: I totally agree. I am very curious to see exactly what the First Order wants from the Colossus and what he will do to get it. Because I have little doubt that they will be merciless, but again, what can they do when they always operate in the shadows? I think this season will give us a lot of interesting information about the operation of the First Order during this period.

Preeti: D & # 39; agreement! And I can not wait to see where they will drive us next week. We all see each other then!

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