The Trump Administration recommends not to allow China Mobile's access to the US market


The Trump Administration on Monday told the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that China Mobile is not allowed to enter the US telecommunications market.

The National Administration of Telecommunications and Information (NTIA) said in a statement. "After a major engagement with China Mobile, concerns over increased risks to law enforcement and US national security interests could not be resolved," David Redl, assistant As a result, NTIA informed the FCC that it was refusing China Mobile's request of 2011 to provide services within the United States.

China's refusal The mobile application comes about a month after the Trump administration reached an agreement to relaunch ZTE, a Chinese telecommunications giant.

The Commerce Department announced that it would lift penalties on ZTE, which had previously faced US sanctions for the sale of equipment to Iran and North Korea.

Under the agreement, the Commerce Department will impose a fine of $ 1 billion This decision was widely criticized by lawmakers on both sides of the House, who warned that China could use ZTE to spy on the United States or threaten national security. 19659002] China and the United States continue to worry about larger trade problems, raising concerns of an imminent global trade war.

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