The Trump Administration seeks to limit access to the United States to immigrants who use or are likely to use public assistance


Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen (Win McNamee / Getty Images)

The Trump administration will make it much more difficult for immigrants to come to the United States or stay in the country if they are using or are likely to use vouchers, food subsidies, and subsidies. other forms of "non-monetary" public assistance. proposal announced Saturday by the Department of Homeland Security.

US immigration laws have long contained provisions restricting foreigners who may be dependent on financial assistance and, as a result, a "public office". The proposed changes strengthen the government's ability to deny visas or residency to their household immigrants benefit from programs such as Medicaid Part D, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or Section 8 housing titles. .

"Under long-standing federal law, those seeking to immigrate to the United States must show that they can provide for their financial needs," said DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a statement. limited resources in ensuring that they are not likely to become a burden on US taxpayers.

The proposal will be published in the Federal Register in the coming weeks, according to DHS, triggering a 60-day public comment period. "After DHS has carefully considered the public comments received on the proposed rule, the DHS plans to issue a final rule on public royalties that will include an effective date," the agency said. DHS officials say they anticipate court challenges to any changes.

Although the proposal does not include tax credits and other health benefits contemplated in previous versions, immigrant rights advocates fear that changing the rules will force families to give up their aid for avoid compromising their immigration status.

Advocacy groups view the measure as an additional attempt by the Trump administration to limit legal immigration and reduce the number of foreigners living in the United States. Census data show that the percentage of foreign-born people in the US population is at its highest level in more than a century, according to leading demographers.

"It would force families – including citizen children – to choose between getting the help they need and staying in their community," said Diane Yentel, chair of the National Coalition on Low Income Housing. "The last thing the federal government should do is punish families who are going through hard times to feed their children or keep a roof over their head and avoid homelessness."

The changes, if they are adopted, could affect those who apply for an immigration visa or those who wish to reside in the country. This would have little or no impact on immigrants who have entered the country illegally, but this could affect the more than 600,000 people receiving Deferred Action benefits for children if they apply for residency. permed.

According to preliminary drafts of the proposal, citing US government data, the foreign-born population uses public benefits at almost the same rate as native-born Americans.

Of the 41.5 million immigrants living in the United States, 3.7% received cash benefits in 2013 and 22.7% accepted benefits other than Medicaid, housing benefits or assistance to the United States. heating.

The percentages of native-born Americans who receive the same forms of assistance are almost identical. In 2015, 3.4% of the 270 million non-immigrant Americans received cash payments from social assistance, according to a USCIS study, and 22.1% received grants. without warranty.

Concerns about public dependence have been instrumental in shaping the current US immigration model for family reunification, and the demands placed on newcomers for financial sponsorship.

President Trump has denigrated such a system to facilitate what he calls "a horrible chain migration" and wants to replace it with a more selective approach based on professional skills.

DHS stated that the changes in its 447-page proposal would apply primarily to persons wishing to be admitted to the United States or to foreigners seeking to apply for residency status. According to DHS, certain categories of immigrants, including refugees, asylums, and Afghans and Iraqis with special immigration visas, would be exempt from these changes. Legal permanent residents (green card holders) who apply to be naturalized as US citizens would not be subject to the proposed amendments.

The agency estimates that about 382,000 immigrants a year would be subject to a more in-depth review of their use of public benefits and may be denied residency. The proposal would also allow some of those at risk of rejection to have cash bonds of $ 10,000 or more, and bonds should be provided by a government-approved corporation. According to the proposal, the immigrant would lose the money if he started using public assistance and turned out to be a "public office" for the United States.

Tracy Jan contributed to this story.

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