The Trump administration unveils its new counterterrorism strategy


The new strategy paper provides a detailed outline of how the Trump administration will address and have already addressed the threat of terrorism, ranging from targeting terrorists at the source to strengthening national efforts to fight terrorism. against the threat of local terrorism.

In unveiling the strategy on Thursday, National Security Advisor John Bolton described the new strategy as a radical break with President Barack Obama's approach to terrorism, pointing out that the Trump government recognized the threat as a threat. It was rooted in a radical Islamist ideology.

"Radical Islamist terrorist groups still represent the preeminent threat to the United States," said Bolton. "We recognize that there is a terrorist ideology that we face, and I think the president has long been convinced that without recognizing that we are fighting an ideological struggle, we can not adequately fight the threat. terrorist."

The strategy document does not provide for additional resources or additional funding calls, but instead presents the general counterterrorism framework put in place by the Trump administration. Bolton said the strategy involved isolating terrorist groups from their financial support networks, strengthening the counter-terrorism capabilities of US allies, and improving US infrastructure and preparedness, among other things.

The counterterrorism strategy paper is the first of its kind since Obama unveiled its counterterrorism strategy in 2011 and Bolton stressed the difference in Trump administration's approach.

He mocked the question of whether the new strategy dealt with the impact of climate change on global insecurity and terrorism – a link evoked by Obama – and said that "the world's worst climate change is a global crisis." he did not believe that "climate change is a cause of international terrorism". He praised a question about Obama's comment that the United States can not be in a perpetual war against terrorism with a categorical "thank you."

"It's a departure, and the reason is that it's not just a unilateral decision of the United States to end this ideological war." It's not enough that we find it untimely that we're always The fact is the radical Islamic threat we face is a form of ideology, "Bolton said.

Bolton said that the "proliferation of ISIS" requires a new approach to the fight against terrorism and that the global threat of terrorism is "more complex and diffuse than ever".

The summary of the strategy document makes it clear that the Trump administration remains on the war foot in the fight against terrorism, declaring "we remain a nation at war".

In a statement outlining the new strategy, Trump extolled the successes of his presidency so far in the fight against terrorist groups and financiers of terrorism, from the near-decimation of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria to his withdrawal of the Iran agreement, which "has a boon for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its proxies."

In a statement, the president said in a statement: "It describes the US approach to tackling increasingly complex and evolving terrorist threats and represents the nation's first fully-articulated counter-terrorism strategy ever since. 2011.

"It provides the strategic direction necessary to protect the United States against all terrorist threats, while promoting agility to anticipate, prevent and respond to new threats," he said.

The counter-terrorism strategy focuses mainly on the fight against "radical Islamist terrorism", but mentions the rise of threats from non-Islamist terrorists.

The paper notes that the United States is also facing terrorism motivated by "other forms of violent extremism, such as racially motivated extremism, extremism of animal rights. , environmental extremism, extremism of sovereign citizens and militia extremism "and notes these forms of" domestic terrorism in the United States ". is on the rise. "

The counter-terrorism strategy calls for the investigation and integration of information on "national terrorists who are not motivated by radical Islamist ideologies and their foreign counterparts".

Liz Stark from CNN contributed to this report.

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