The Trump London Airship Can Fly Now to New York


Trump's world-famous airship, which survived protests in London earlier this month, may soon be heading to Central Park – if some anti-Trump activists from the United States were making their way.

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<p itemprop= The airship, which portrays Trump as an angry orange baby holding a smartphone and wearing a diaper, drew the world's attention as thousands of protesters walked under him to express their anger at the US president when from his recent visit to the United Kingdom

Didier Jiminez-Castro, an activist from Hillsborough, NJ, created a GoFundMe page to bring the airship to Bedminster, New Jersey, where the president often plays golf.

  PHOTO: A six-meter-tall cartoon airship of President Donald Trump is projected in protest at his visit to Parliament Square in London on July 13, 2018. Matt Dunham / AP [19659008] President Donald Trump is sent to protest his visit to Parliament Square in London on July 13, 2018.

The fund far exceeded its target of $ 4,500, receiving more than $ 6,500 Monday morning.

And early Monday morning, Jiminez-Castro sent a tweet to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio – a vocal and shrill Trump critic – asking for permission to fly the airship on the crowning jewel of the city – the Green Park of 843 acres in Manhattan.

  PHOTO: People are swelling a Donald filled with d & # 39; Trump airship helium, which they hope to deploy during the Presidents' next visit, to London, June 26, 2018. Simon Dawson / Reuters
People inflate a Donald Trump blimp filled with air. helium, which they hope to deploy during the next presidency. visit, London, June 26, 2018.

Jiminez-Castro said that his goal is simple: aggravate the President of the United States.

"During an interview (sic), he mentions that he does not feel welcome with the Baby Trump in presentation and we have to put himself under his skin as much as possible," wrote Jiminez-Castro on the GoFundMe page. He wrote that the airship would arrive in the United States in four weeks.

  PHOTO: An undated photo of Central Park in New York STOCK / Getty Images
An undated photo of Central Park in New York.

The London aspect of the airship seemed to disturb Trump.

He stayed away from London to avoid protests and told the newspaperv Sun before his visit, "I guess when they released blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London, a city … But when they make you feel bad, why would I stay here? "

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