The typhus outbreak in California is sounding the alarm to public health officials


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Fleas like this can cause typhus.

SALT LAKE CITY – The number of reported cases of typhus, a bacterial disease transmitted by lice or fleas, has reached epidemic levels in Los Angeles County, California.

According to CNN, only the city of Pasadena alone has 20 reported cases this year, compared to one to five usual cases.

"Typhus fever is a disease that can lead to serious complications that require long hospitalization and rarely death," said Dr. Ying-Ying Goh, health officer in Pasadena.

There are several strains of typhus, but the one that affects the people of Los Angeles County is called murine typhus or flea typhus. Bacteria are transmitted by flea bites and feces produced by the harmful organism.

According to CBS News, while fleas can come from cats, rats and possums, pets and animals do not get sick from typhus.

CNN announced Monday that 57 cases of typhus had been confirmed in the county. Symptoms may appear within two weeks of contact with the infected flea and may include high fever, chills, headache, body aches and rashes.

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In a statement from the Pasadena Public Health Department, residents of the city received tips on how to avoid contracting the disease. They urged citizens to:

  • Keep debris out of your garden, eliminate undisciplined vegetation to keep wild animals away.
  • Do not leave your pets outside.
  • Do not give food or water to wild animals.
  • Cover all your garbage cans.
  • Be sure to seal all openings and crawl spaces under and inside your home.
  • Treat your dogs and cats with flea medications.

According to ABC News, the authorities are trying to find out exactly where the cases occurred and how many people are affected.

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