The UK cyber security agency supports the charges of Apple and Amazon China


The UK cyber security agency said on Friday that it had no reason to doubt Apple and Amazon's ratings that refuted Bloomberg's story that their systems contain malicious computer chips inserted by intelligence services. Chinese.

Bloomberg Businessweek on Thursday quoted 17 unidentified sources of intelligence and business, according to which Chinese spies would have placed chips in hardware used by about 30 companies, as well as by many US government agencies, which would give Beijing secret access to internal networks.

"We are aware of the information communicated by the media, but at this point, we have no reason to doubt the detailed assessments made by AWS and Apple," said the National Cyber ​​Security Center, a the British agency GCHQ.

"The NCSC works confidentially with security researchers and urges anyone with reliable information on these reports to contact us," he said.

Apple on Thursday challenged the Bloomberg report, claiming in a statement that its own internal investigations had found no evidence to support the claims of the article and that neither the company nor its contacts with the forces of the 39, were not aware of any possible FBI investigation into the case.

Bruce Sewell, the recently retired general counsel of Apple, told Reuters that he had contacted the FBI's general counsel at the time, James Baker, after being informed by Bloomberg of an open investigation on Super Micro Computer Inc., a computer hardware manufacturer whose products were implanted with malicious Chinese chips.

"I phoned him personally and said," Do you know anything about this? Sewell said about his conversation with Baker. "He said," I've never heard of that, but give me 24 hours to be sure. "He reminded me 24 hours later and said, "No one here knows what this story is about."

Baker and the FBI declined to comment on Friday.

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