The unique meteorite "Moon Puzzle" will be auctioned for a lot of money


An extremely rare lunar meteorite will present itself this week at the auction house and could cost more than $ 500,000 (£ 380,000).

Known as the "Moon Puzzle," it consists of six fragments that fit together like a puzzle to form a mass weighing nearly 5.5 kilograms (12 pounds).

"This is a very important and world-class example of a lunar meteorite," said Geoff Notkin, CEO of Aerolite Meteorites, Inc., and expert on space rock.

Moon Puzzle Meteorite Auction (Image: RR Auction / Cover Images)

"It exploded on the surface of our moon in the distant past, probably as a result of a different meteorite, then traveled a quarter of a million kilometers to Earth and survived a fiery descent in our atmosphere. "

"The Moon Puzzle" is interesting because it is considered "unmatched", which means it's not connected to any other known meteorite.

Astronaut Al Worden, pilot of the Apollo 15 lunar mission control module, holds the meteorite (Image: Christian Meza / RR Auction / Cover Images)

The pairing occurs because fragments of the same meteorite can break into different pieces and land at different places when they reach the Earth. Once discovered, they receive a numerical designation and are paired in laboratories.

This one, however, is completely unique. That's why he's ready to go for a small fortune.

The Moon Puzzle (Image: RR Auctions / Cover Pictures)

"Few of the world's best museums, if any, have a lunar meteorite as close to it in size and originality," said Notkin.

The auction is taking place in Boston, USA, and runs from October 11 to 18.

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