The United Kingdom asks Russia to explain after two critically poisoned by the same nerve agent used in the Sergei Skripal attack


British Interior Minister Sajid Javid said Thursday in a speech to parliament that the incident "would obviously invoke the rampaging attempts of Sergei and Yulia Skripal earlier this year. "

"I know that many of you will be wondering if this incident is related to this one, which is clearly the main objective," he said. It is now time for the Russian state to come forward and explain exactly what happened. "

" We have no quarrel with the Russian people, it is rather the actions of the Russian government that continue.

"We will resist actions that threaten our security and the safety of our partners, it is completely unacceptable that our populations are deliberate or accidental targets, or for our streets, Sturgess and Rowley were found unconscious at times different in the same house on Saturday. The investigators initially suspected an overdose of heroin or cocaine, but after observing their symptoms – the police did not describe them – authorities took samples for laboratory tests. These tests became positive for Novichok, added Basu.

He added that no one else had reported getting sick with similar symptoms.

Investigators are now focusing on how and where Burgess and Rowley came in contact with Novichok.

As a precautionary measure, police circled sites in the Amesbury and Salisbury areas, which they believe have visited both before being ill, but Basu said, " I want to reassure the public. that there is no evidence that the man or woman recently visited any of the sites that were decontaminated as a result of Sergei's assassination attempts and of Yulia Skripal, "said Basu

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