The United States is still the world's king of natural gas

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Workers observe liquefied liquefied LNG tanker Sakura at Negishi LNG Terminal at Tokyo Gas Co. in Yokohama, Japan on Monday, May 21, 2018 Tokyo Gas Received today the first LNG shipment from Dominion Energy's flagship project at Cove Point, the company said in a statement, "show that last year, the United States maintained a good lead as a global power of natural gas

In 2017, the United States produced an average of 71.1 Bcf / d of natural gas production in 2016, but not enough to beat the record of 71.6 Bcf / d in 2015.

It was still pretty good for a 20.0% share of global natural gas production.

US Shale Gas From back to top

To put the figures of American production in perspective, the production of g Natural az for the entire Middle East was 63.8 billion cubic feet per day. Russia, in second place among countries, saw its natural gas production increase by 8.2%, but to 61.5 billion cubic feet per day, far behind the United States

Natural gas production 1970 -2017 Robert Rapier

had dominated world natural gas production until the 1980s, when he gave up his lead to Russia. However, the Middle East has increased its natural gas production at a much faster pace over the past 50 years, and is poised to take the lead over the next decade

. natural gas production was declining until fracking began in the middle of the previous decade. Production increased by 51% from 2005 to 2015 in the United States, allowing the United States to become the world's largest

. Consumption has also increased rapidly, with plants increasingly relying on natural gas both to replace coal – fired power and to replace the new renewable energy capacity.

US Gas exports are booming

Another important outlet for natural gas production in the United States has been exports, both by pipeline and liquefied natural gas (LNG). ). LNG exports from the United States reached 1.7 Bcf / d in 2017, which represents approximately 2.4% of US natural gas production. Mexico received nearly 22% of these exports, while the Asia-Pacific region received 41%.

Pipeline exports amounted to 6.3 Bcf / d, or 8.9% of daily US production. Despite the rhetoric of the trade war, Mexico remains the largest destination for US natural gas exports, accounting for 64% of the total

. In addition, exports to Mexico continue to grow rapidly. Last week, RBN Energy reported that at the beginning of July, pipeline exports to Mexico had been 5.0 billion cubic feet per day for the very first time

. RBN Energy

Reserves signal a warning

The United States can continue to lead the world in natural gas production for a few more years, but the level of proven natural gas reserves This means that our advance could be short-lived.

Proven natural gas reserves in the Middle East at the end of 2017 were 2.8 quadrillions cubic feet, nearly ten times the proven US reserves of 309 trillion cubic feet. In comparison, the United States proved reserves account for only 4.5% of the world total.

Russia has more proven natural gas reserves than any other country with 1.23 quadrillion cubic feet, followed by Iran with 1.17 quadrillion cubic feet. Total proved natural gas reserves at the end of 2017 were sufficient to meet the 2017 global production rates for 52.6 years.


Workers observe liquefied LNG tanker Sakura at the Negishi LNG Terminal at Tokyo Gas Co. in Yokohama, Japan on Monday, May 21, 2018. Tokyo Gas received the first LNG delivery at Japan Dominion Energy's Point Cove project today, said the company in a statement Photographer: Tomohiro Ohsumi / Bloomberg

Data from 2018 BP Statistical Review of World Energy show that In 2017, the United States generated an average of 71.1 Bcf / d of natural gas, an increase of 1.0% over 2016 production. , but not enough broke the record of 71.6 billion cubic feet per day in 2015.

It was still pretty good for a 20.0% share of total world production of natural gas. [19659003] Shale gas puts the United States in the lead

Production figures United States in perspective, natural gas production for the whole The Middle East was 63.8 billion cubic feet per day. Russia, in second place among countries, saw its natural gas production rise by 8.2%, but to 61.5 billion cubic feet per day, far behind the United States

Natural Gas Production 1970 -2017 Robert Rapier

had dominated world natural gas production until the 1980s, when he gave up his lead to Russia. However, the Middle East has increased its natural gas production at a much faster pace over the past 50 years, and is poised to take the lead over the next decade

. natural gas production was declining until fracking began in the middle of the previous decade. Production increased by 51% from 2005 to 2015 in the United States, allowing the United States to become the world's largest

. Consumption has also increased rapidly, with plants increasingly relying on natural gas both to replace coal – fired power and to replace the new renewable energy capacity.

US Gas exports are booming

Another important outlet for natural gas production in the United States has been exports, both by pipeline and liquefied natural gas (LNG). ). LNG exports from the United States reached 1.7 Bcf / d in 2017, which represents approximately 2.4% of US natural gas production. Mexico received nearly 22% of these exports, while the Asia-Pacific region received 41%.

Pipeline exports amounted to 6.3 Bcf / d, or 8.9% of daily US production. Despite the rhetoric of the trade war, Mexico remains the largest destination for US natural gas exports, accounting for 64% of the total

. In addition, exports to Mexico continue to grow rapidly. Last week, RBN Energy reported that in early July, pipeline exports to Mexico had been 5.0 billion cubic feet per day for the first time.

RBN Energy

Reserves signal a warning

The United States can continue to lead the world in natural gas production for a few more years, but the level of proved natural gas reserves This means that our advance could be short-lived.

Proven natural gas reserves in the Middle East at the end of 2017 were 2.8 quadrillions cubic feet, nearly ten times the proven US reserves of 309 trillion cubic feet. In comparison, the United States proved reserves account for only 4.5% of the world total.

Russia has more proven natural gas reserves than any other country with 1.23 quadrillion cubic feet, followed by Iran with 1.17 quadrillion cubic feet. Total proved natural gas reserves at the end of 2017 were sufficient to meet the 2017 global production rates for 52.6 years.

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