The United States reports that it would consider certain exemptions on Iranian oil


"We are going to impose very strongly the Iranian nuclear sanctions," said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday. "We told our counterparts that we were expecting from them that they apply the sanctions, but if there are specific situations, we are open to listening."

Mnuchin and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to reporters aboard Pompeo. return from Mexico, where they had talks with the government and the elected president on border security, immigration and trade negotiations.

But Mnuchin, who said he would discuss this issue with the G20 finance ministers this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina, signaled that there might be some room for maneuver when countries will gradually reduce their dependence on Iranian oil to avoid greater volatility in the energy markets.

"We take no commitment," said Mnuchin. "We want people to reduce oil purchases to zero, but in some cases, if people can not do it overnight, we will consider exceptions."

increased 3.5% to about $ 70.50 per barrel. Prices have risen sharply this year, partly because of concerns over US sanctions on Iran that disrupts the supply of the OPEC nation

Trump complained on several occasions too high oil prices, even though his own politics played a role. Last month, OPEC agreed to pump more oil to offset the barrel loss of Iran.

When the administration announced its withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, it imposed several new sanctions, including those that will force all countries to National Security Advisor John Bolton, meeting last month with European officials to talk about the US campaign against Iran, told them that there would be no sanctions exemption for companies or European entities that do business with the Iran under the aegis of the UN. sanctions, European officials said. Mr Bolton said the United States was seeking Iran's "unconditional surrender" to meet the demands of Iran made by Pompeo during a speech in late May. The senior US diplomat said at the time that the United States wanted Iran to abandon its nuclear program, withdraw from the Syrian war and cut ties with terrorism.

Germany, France and the United Kingdom – the European signatories of the E3 agreement – opposed the US decision to leave the deal and lobbied the White House for that it does not impose "secondary sanctions". their companies doing business in Iran or at least issuing waivers for the parties to the agreement and other allies of the United States in the hope of respecting the agreement without the participation the United States.

"We said very specifically We will look at situations on a case by case basis, I think that especially in the wind, we want to be very careful in the wind around the energy markets to make sure that people have the time, "said Mnuchin." The state department has the opportunity to issue waivers for significant reductions in oil markets, which the Treasury and the state are going to do, we are already working closely with our counterparts, "said Mnuchin." We will consider them appropriately. "

Pompeo said that while some countries have fought the measures, most are just looking for more of patience with the administration as they reduce their dependence on Iranian oil. "I think, the world is complying," he said. "Some governments fought, but companies understand that there is no need for it. America I'm serious about this, and I think it's important for everyone to consider the end of the downturn period, the first week of November. "

Pompeo said that the goal is to deprive Iran of the resources necessary to support terrorism and continue its aggressive behavior around the world.

" If that is not enough, " money or where there is a particular interest, there are many things We will see how we think about this, but make no mistake, we are determined to impose these sanctions globally and globally ", he declares.

Pompeo was a hard voice on Tehran. He was not shy in the speeches or messages on social media about his desire to stop Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei from wreaking havoc in the Gulf. It has increased the designations of Iranian officials and entities under terrorist-related executive orders, and US officials are supporting the appointment of the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps, a powerful branch of the military, As a foreign terrorist organization

Pompeo will deliver a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California on "Supporting Iranian Voices" and will visit members of the Iranian-American community in the United States.

"We use all the elements of American power to try to achieve the goals, so that Iran behaves rationally and normally," said Pompeo.

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