The US ambassador to Estonia resigns, frustrated by the Trump administration


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The US ambassador to Estonia says he will resign late next month, making him the third ambassador of the United States to resign in 2018.

A message shared with NBC News by a former US official, US Ambassador James D. Melville Jr., announced that he would retire on July 29. The announcement was first published by Foreign Policy magazine

We are educated from the beginning, that if there comes a time when we can not do it anymore, especially if one is in a leadership position, the honorable course is to resign, "wrote Melville

. The spokesman for the US State Department confirmed that Melville would retire after more than three decades of service under the presidency of six presidents and 11 state secretaries. The spokesman said Melville had announced Wednesday his intention to retire from the foreign service on July 29 after 33 years of public service, adding that President Donald Trump's comments on the European Union had prompted him to resign

. "The fact that the president says that the EU was" created to take advantage of the US, attack our piggy bank "or that" NATO is as bad as NAFTA "does not" is not just wrong, but proves to me "On Wednesday, at a rally in North Dakota, Trump said that although the US loves European countries, the EU" was set up to enjoy the United States.And you know what, we can not let that happen. "

The resignation comes a little over a week before Trump is scheduled to travel to Europe, where he will attend the NATO Summit in Brussels on July 11 and 12 before traveling to United Kingdom on 13 July. Meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, on July 16th.


Melville's resignation is third this year John Feeley, former US ambassador to Panama, who resigned in March after announcing his intention to do so in December 2017, and now the former ambassador American in Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, who resigned in May.

As Melville Feeley and Jacobson cited problems with the Trump administration in their decisions to resign.

"I resigned because the traditional core values ​​of the United States, as manifested in the President's national security strategy and his foreign policies, have been distorted. betrayed. I could not represent him personally and stick to my beliefs about what makes America really great, "said Feeley in his resignation letter.

Earlier this month, Jacobson told Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC that Mexico's treatment had hampered its capabilities Working with the government of the country

"Mexico has been the punching bag for this president since the beginning," said Jacobson in his first interview since the beginning. she left her post "Despite the fact that this Mexican government has tried to cooperate with the administration, leaning back to some extent at their own political risk and this sort of thing makes it so much harder to cooperate with the Mexican government. "

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