The use of antibiotics in perspective | Pork trade


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With all the negative publicity that the livestock industry is forced to undergo regarding antibiotics, it is gratifying to find groups that provide reason and truth rather than rhetoric. The source is the Center for Accountability in Science. On its website, visitors can take a quiz to test their knowledge of the role of antibiotics in animal and human health. The five questions touch on the most important facts consumers should know about antibiotics. Here's one of them:

"The main driver of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in humans is the overuse of antibiotics used on farm animals."

The answer, of course, is false
Here is the accompanying explanation:
"Although farms use a lot of antibiotics, many are never or rarely prescribed to humans." Thirty percent of antibiotics used in farms come from a class called ionophores, which can be deadly to humans and some animals like horses and donkeys.There is no solid evidence that antibiotic resistance in humans is related to the use of antibiotics in farm animals.Although Denmark has very strict limits on the use of antibiotics in livestock, it says that "the meat consumption can currently be considered an insignificant source for human infections "food-borne diseases such as E. coli." Three recent studies show that only 27% of antibiotic-resistant E. coli infections These may be related to meat, while 99.73% of these infections are associated with the use of antibiotics in humans. "

Many Resources Available
The Center provides excellent documentation on many topics related to food and agriculture, as well as experts to contact for further information. Chief scientist of the Center, Dr. Joseph Perrone, is available for interviews on the use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance and continues to write stimulating editorials.Parone has been advising the Organization World Health Organization and a member of the WHO Diagnostic Committee.He wrote a few years ago in The Hill on the steps of the fight against superbugs in this article, explaining the problem of antibiotic resistance and how the main problem is in the human population – not animal production.He wrote: "It's not just the over-prescription that's causing a problem." Even when antibiotics are prescribed appropriately, too often, patients fail to complete the full course of antibiotics once they start feeling better or when they are tired of side effects such as nausea and vomiting. Failure to complete the full dose means that some bacteria can survive. In some cases, the body's natural defenses come into action and fight the remaining bacteria. For others, the remaining bacteria can develop resistance to the prescribed antibiotic. "

Perrone is a reasonable voice of reason in the desert of false news and false health prophets.On last summer, he wrote an opinion article in the county register of 39. Orange, arguing that "when personal prejudices underline political decisions in public health, everyone loses."

go to the doctor, they want something – whatever – for that they feel better.

"When sick patients go to the doctor and pay $ 10 or more in copay, they do not expect to leave empty-handed" says. Physician surveys show that doctors feel obligated to prescribe antibiotics even when they are not needed. "

The Food Insight organization interviewed Terry Dwelle, a public health officer with the Ministry of Health's Ministry of Health. North Dakota public health and agriculture

Like Perrone, he noted that "inappropriate prescription" for humans and animals is a key cause of resistance. He says, "Veterinarians and breeders continue to take proactive steps to reduce the use of antibiotics. Doctors have also made progress, even in the face of pressure from patients to prescribe antibiotics. "

The following examples published in Emerging Infectious Disease, illustrate patients' perceptions of antibiotics in patient care:

  • 12% of Americans recently took antibiotics
  • 27% believed that taking antibiotics during a cold made them better
  • 32% believed that taking antibiotics during a cold prevented a more serious illness
  • 48% expected antibiotics when they sought medical attention with a cold [19659015] 58% do not know the health risks of antibiotics

the FACTS Food Insights network, with the mission of "effectively communicating scientific information on health, nutrition and food security for the public good".

Food Insights published a Q & A with Dr. Justin G. Bergeron, who at the time was a resident at Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Cent University of Minnesota Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS). In answering a question on what consumers should know about the use of antibiotics in animal feed production, Bergeron said:

"It's important to remember that antibiotics are important for the health and welfare of animals. When humans are sick, we need to take the appropriate medications to improve ourselves. Animals have the same need. Animals are not super heroes, they sometimes get sick and hurt in everyday life, just like us. In these cases, it is important to treat the animals appropriately, including giving them antibiotics, if necessary. Then, the milk and meat of the animals are removed from the food system until the antibiotics have completely eliminated the animal systems. "

Maybe this should be the" lift talk "of every producer when asked why you use antibiotics.The Food and Health Survey is a study interesting on issues related to health and food, food components, food production and food safety.It also explores new topics, such as food insecurity, diets and dietary habits, and how consumer diets compare to dietary guidelines and expert recommendations.You can read how, while the majority of consumers are confident in our food supply, there are still potential risks for safety that influence their choices.

On a positive note, according to the Food Insight website, consumer confidence in the supply United States food has increased. In 2018, 68% of consumers reported having confidence in the food supply, up from 61% in 2017. "

You Can Help
It is important for you, as a producer, to know that animals and human health experts are diligent in helping to spread a balanced understanding of the issue of antibiotics to consumers.

But that's not enough. You can help too.

Every Once you talk with your non-farmer friends, health care providers, children's teachers or anyone else, share the facts about antibiotic resistance, start a dialogue, help them realize that it's the obligation of everyone to use antibiotics responsibly to protect and maintain the health of human and animal populations.

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