The USGS intends to exploit minerals in the space


Геологическая служба США собирается добывать минералы в космосе

The organization began the process of evaluating the possibilities of such production.

A number of useful resources on our planet, unfortunately, limited. And sooner or later they will end, according to in reference to

Some of them are already more difficult than 150 or 200 years ago. So why not look in space? Recently, it became known that the US Geological Survey (USGS) began an assessment of the moon, the Earth's orbit and the space closest to the possibility of mineral resources.

As Angel Abbud-Madrid, director of the Space Resources Center at the Colorado School of Mines, said, the exploitation of space resources will be very beneficial according to the USGS data on location and the value of minerals, metals and other resources. the moon, Mars and even asteroids.

Around our planet, there are many asteroids and each of them can contain valuable materials. The extraction of resources will contribute to the implementation of future space missions and the improvement of Earth's ecology. "

Currently, USGS funding levels do not allow such ambitious plans to be implemented. However, a program to assess the ability of space organisms to extract minerals has been developed.

The information obtained can be used to develop models for the extraction of minerals and their expedition to Earth. This will be the basis for the development of the industry and will help to utilize more effectively the materials extracted from the depths of cosmic bodies.

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