The value of chargers has not increased in Los Angeles


When the Los Angeles Chargers moved to San Diego and Interstate 5, much of their argument in favor of this decision was the increased value it would bring to the franchise. Well, it's not over.

Forbes published his annual reviews of NFL franchises and the news was really bad for Dean Spanos and the Chargers. Of the 32 NFL teams, the Chargers ranked 22nd with an estimated value of $ 2.275 billion. This value is unchanged from last year, their first season in their new big market.

In 2016, the year before they left San Diego for Los Angeles, Forbes valued the team at $ 2.08 billion. That ranked them 21st in the NFL. Yes, you understand, relocating to Los Angeles has not only been able to increase the value of the franchise, but it has actually decreased compared to other NFL teams.

It's worth remembering that when the Chargers had the chance to move to Los Angeles if they had not made a stadium in San Diego, Forbes boosted the evaluation of the team. The value jumped 36% that year, but if you read carefully what was written, there is one key element of this assessment that people tend to miss.

The Chargers are the first to become tenants of Kroenke or can opt for a new stadium in San Diego, which is why the team is valued at $ 2.08 billion.

So the value went up because they had the opportunity to join Stan Kroenke or build their own stadium in San Diego. It was not just because of the move to Los Angeles, Forbes basically said it would be a similar value increase based on one or the other option.

If that's not enough for you, check out this year's valuation writing. It is posted below:

The Chargers played their first of three seasons at the 27,000-seat StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Last season. As expected, the Chargers were the last in the league (202,687), winning less than half of the league average. Our assessment of $ 2.275 billion Chargers reflects their move to Inglewood for the 2020 season, where they will be tenants in a new stadium controlled by Stan Kroenke, owner of the Los Angeles Rams. The Spanos family made the decision to be tenants – the team paying only $ 1 a year in rent but not getting any revenue from events not taking place before the match – rather than building their own stadium. With their wealth already concentrated in real estate, the Spanos family no longer wanted bricks and mortar in its balance sheet. The Chargers will actually have the same type of economic situation, albeit in a larger market, such as the Indianapolis Colts.

This assessment therefore includes the move to the new Kroenke Palace, where they will only be tenants. This means that any argument relating to the increase in value after the move to the new stadium is perfectly wrong.

Oh, and the best part? The Chargers left San Diego and alienated their entire fan base to improve the situation and have an economic situation similar to that of the Indianapolis Colts. That's right, a team from the country's second largest media market has the same financial situation as a team in the 27th media market. Incidentally, in the media market rankings, the Colts are right in front of … (look at the list … look up … double-tap) … San Diego.

You could not do that!

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Rams are thriving in their new home. Before leaving St. Louis, the Kroenke team was valued at $ 1.45 billion, 28th on the list. Now, the Rams are worth $ 3.2 billion, enough to be the fourth most valuable team in the NFL.

In all aspects of life – other than toupee choices – Stan Kroenke has turned around Dean Spanos. This is not new.

As a reminder, the Chargers moved to Los Angeles to increase the value of their franchise and this value has hardly increased. Despite this slight increase, the value actually dropped one place compared to the rest of the NFL. And if they had secured a stadium deal in San Diego, they would have been worth about as much as they are now. Plus, they would have had a fan base to cheer them on.

People, when I told you over and over that the shippers were going to fail in Los Angeles, I was not talking about my ass. They are already a colossal, huge and monumental failure and have become an embarrassment for the rest of the NFL.

Only the Spanos family could move an NFL team to Los Angeles and not see its value increase significantly. When I told you over and over that Dean and his sons are fools who would do anything to please, I was not lying to you.

It's an organization headed by the worst of the worst. All they do is prove it. The value of the team will never increase significantly with Spanos and his children.

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