The vape industry slams a new tobacco law "moralizing"


Vaping activists say the latest tobacco bill is ignorant and not based on scientific evidence. The vaping industry says that she wants to be considered a partner in South Africa's health program as it is less dangerous than smoking.
The African Alliance for Harm Reduction (AHRA) intends to Dr. Delon Human, co-founder of AHRA and President of Health Diplomats, says the government wants to treat electronic cigarettes from same way as tobacco products, falsely mixing vaping with smoking tobacco and, wrongly, In May, the cabinet approved the bill on control of tobacco products and electronic delivery systems, which proposes to ban smoking in all public buildings – and within 10 meters of buildings. It also advocates neutral packaging with health warnings and prohibiting smoking in private cars carrying passengers.

The bill extends the definition of smoking to electronic delivery systems (electronic cigarettes) and unheated tobacco products.

According to Human, who says that AHRA is an independent organization that does not endorse any product of the industry, vaping and e-cigarettes are less harmful than cigarettes.

"Vaping and e-cigarettes have the potential to prevent smoking disease and save hundreds of millions of lives from premature death.For the sake of the population and individual health, it is imperative that vaping be recognized as an alternative to tobacco products, in the broader context of tobacco harm reduction. "Earlier this year, Dr. Stanton Glantz of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) found that" while that e-cigarettes deliver lower levels of carcinogens than conventional cigarettes, they also expose users to high levels of fine particles and other toxins related to increased cardiovascular and non-cancer risks – which account for more than half of the deaths caused by smoking. "

Researchers at the Center for Tobacco Research of the UCSF have stated that a smoking cessation help, but for most people it is harder to quit because they end up as 'double users' Who continue to smoke while using electronic cigarettes.

Dr. Kgosi Letlape, co-founder of the HRA, said the current bill was based on 2015 information and was taking a moralistic stance "As a health advocate, I target smokers. I do not try to open a market for new smokers or new vapers. And because you are targeting a particular population, it should not be difficult to add new information to this bill. "

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