The vice of Adam McKay, Christian Bale and Amy Adams, will be rewarded


No matter what happens to "Vice" in the public arena, the actors will love this crazy political movie.

Finally, Adam McKay's highly anticipated "Vice" was screened for the press on Saturday, November 17th. This is one of the last major screenings of the 2019 Oscars candidates, but the best are sometimes kept for the end.

On November 5, 2016, Paramount screened Denzel Washington's "Fences" during a lively screening session at Westwood, followed by a short question-and-answer session with the director and actors. Viola Davis won the Best Supporting Actress Award at SAG, the Golden Globes and the BAFTA, on her way to her first Oscar. On November 12, 2015, Paramount launched "The Big Short" as the closing night of AFI FEST. He then received five Oscar nominations with the adapted screenplay of McKay and Charles Randolph taking BAFTA, WGA and Oscar.

"Vice" filmmaker Greig Fraser and Christian Bale

Matt Kennedy

So now we have McKay's follow-up and anticipation is great. Funded by Annapurna, the film is scheduled to hit theaters on December 25. The applause was warmly applauded during the screening of guilds and awards in Westwood, Bale and Amy Adams, who play Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne.

Just like Gary Oldman, winner of this year's Oscars, and "Darkest Hour", it's about the marriage between a great actor channeling a real person and the makeup and prosthetics team that allowed him to change his appearance. During the Q & A session that followed, Bale (who won the "The Fighter" award), a three-time Academy Award nominee and metamorph, regained his fighting weight after taking 40 pounds of weight gain. Cheney admitted that he knew the role would be a stretch.

"It's a crazy idea, is not it?", He said. "It sounds like a typo to tell Christian Bale like Dick Cheney, but it was an almost impossible challenge, just in the galaxy of the possible but about to leave this galaxy. It was exciting. "Really, do you think I could do that? Can we really achieve this goal? – and the challenge of that. [McKay and I] had an agreement. "Let me move on", working with the great Greg Cannon and Chris Gallagher who did the dentures … He knew that when I was this far, I'm where I am, even though it's the worst mistake and casting ever. He is crazy and brilliant batshit, which is a wonderful combination. "

Bale has done a lot of online research on Cheney, so much so that the politician has infiltrated his memories on Facebook. "We were hoping to know the essence of the man," he said, acknowledging that he remained in the character throughout the shoot.

Adams, who has been stolen an Oscar nomination for "Arrival" after five nominations and no win, is late. Over the decades, she has also aged from an extremely ferocious college woman to a mother and a Washington professional. Adams said that she admired Lynne Cheney. "She reminded me of the best parts of my grandmother; She was a francophone and pioneering woman who got up by the trunk and could get there. She had a tough education and a great history of love with American history. There was so much to discover … I loved taking this opportunity to develop the relationship between Dick and Lynne. It was very moving in a Shakespearian way. "

Among the tips used by McKay in the film, which, like "The Big Short" – full of facts and figures, surprising information and detours, is a memorable scene in which his actors quote Shakespeare.

"At one point, the norm has become simply to watch funny movies or that have explosions or bursts of laughter," said McKay. "I'm a little nerd, I find this product really fascinating. I'm trying to highlight with a false ending or Shakespeare. This is an incredible moment: if Cheney says "no" to the vice-presidency, the story changes. There are no rules. This allows us to dive into films from another angle. "

Comedian comedian Tyler Perry directly plays the role of Secretary of State Colin Powell, whom he admired and contacted to research this role; Powell had him read his book. Powell has not seen the movie yet and Perry says he is "worried" about his reaction. What is important, said Perry, is that the film "highlights a moment in history so that we can pay special attention to it so that it does not happen again".

Other featured actors include Steve Carell, Cheney star, Donald Rumsfeld, Alison Pill, Mary, Cheney's gay girl, and Sam Rockwell, hilarious president, George W. Bush, who does not get enough of 39, time screen.

Of course, the fate of "Vice" depends on how it behaves with critics and moviegoers. But no matter what happens in this arena (and Annapurna's fate may be at stake, since this clever and furious liberal film costs around $ 60 million), screen actors will give to Bale and Adams love, from SAG to the Oscars.

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