The victim of a 13-year-old shark attack victim expresses


Ellie Hayes, the mother of the 13-year-old boy who was badly injured in the upper body after being attacked by a shark on Saturday, thanks his son during his lifetime.

At a press conference held at Rady Children's Hospital on Monday afternoon, Ellie revealed that she was present when her son Keane Webre-Hayes was attacked.

"I was on the cliff in the parking lot when I heard it," Ellie told reporters.

Keane and a friend started diving for lobster fishing on the first day of the season off the coast of Encinitas, a popular seaside town in San Diego County. Ellie explained that her son was "emphatic" about his tour and even told him that he was going to prepare a lobster dinner for him.

When the reporters asked Ellie for more details about the attack, she said, "This is Keane's story," and she wants to let him tell how he wants it.

Ellie proved how brave he was and later, Keane planned to get back to the water once he was fully recovered.

"I think Keane is a miracle," Ellie said at Monday's press conference. "I think he's very very very strong and that he's a survivor now."

As Keane – who has gone from critical to serious – always gathers the details of the attack, he urged his mother to thank the people who saved him.

Chad Hammel, a nearby kayaker, was with friends when he heard the boy scream. "It's probably like ten feet of blood were behind him," he told CBS News. "And he's panicked."

"We told him that he would be fine, he was fine," Hammel told FOX 5. "We got help. I shouted to everyone to get out of the water: "There is a shark in the water!"

He continued, "One time we threw it on the kayak and started to arrive, it's when I looked back that the shark was behind the kayak. He did not want to give up yet. "

Keane was later flown to Rady's children's hospital and underwent nine hours of treatment for his torso injuries before it was stabilized, according to the Associated Press.

Ellie also informed the journalists about her son's situation. "He speaks. He's alert: he had a donut and a cup of noodles, "said Ellie before admitting that she did not know how long Keane should stay in the hospital.

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Dr. Tim Fairbanks, the doctor who treated Keane, also spoke about his healing journey during the press conference. "He's getting better, but we still have him out of the hospital."

"Even if he's fine, we still have a big recovery," added Dr. Fairbanks.

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He is the first shark victim in the region in 30 years, according to CBS.

Keane's family has created a GoFundMe page hoping to raise funds to cover their medical expenses. So far, they have raised $ 27,000.

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