The victim of Pompeii was not crushed by a stone block as archaeologists


The results, announced in May, were based on the position of a huge block of stone next to the lower skeleton of the man. Archaeologists said that they thought the block was cutting the body of the man and crushing the top, supposed to be under the stone.
But further research at the site revealed the missing upper limbs, thorax and skull. to conclude, the unlucky man did not die from a projectile, but from asphyxiation caused by pyroclastic flow. This is the burning mixture of gas, lava fragments and other debris erected by a volcano.
  The skull of the man shows fractures, say archaeologists, but it is almost intact

Images from the excavation showed that the large block – perhaps a jamb – protruded from the ground just above the lower part of the skeleton. Archaeologists now say that a tunnel discovered under the body, dating back to the Bourbon era of the 1700s and 1800s, gave way and caused the fall of the upper skeleton

. the identified skeletal remains consist of the upper chest, upper limbs, skull and jaw, "read a press release from the Archaeological Park of Pompeii. "Currently being analyzed, they present fractures, the nature of which will be identified, in order to be able to reconstruct with more precision the last moments of the life of man."

Since the discovery of the body of the man, archaeologists have also discovered the remains of a small purse that the man "tight near his chest" containing 20 pieces of money and two bronze pieces.

While experts are still examining the pieces, archaeologists say that they seem to have had enough value to maintain a family of three for two weeks.

The researchers say that the man was at least 30 years old. The lesions on the skeleton of the skeleton are signs of a bone infection that probably caused him to limp and prevented any attempt of escape.

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