The video of Amazon claims to show anti-union training tactics


While Amazon was opening Thursday a new physical store in New York called Amazon 4 Star, which only stores products rated four stars or more on the online retailer's website, the company was also faced with a report highlighting some of its anti-union efforts. in its Whole Foods stores.

The Gizmodo website has released screenshots of a video that it has claimed to have obtained and that Amazon sent to the Whole Foods team leaders last week in the part of an attempt by the company to block the union efforts of the grocery chain. The 45-minute animated video is intended to show Whole Foods' team leaders how to recognize and discuss union discussions among grocery store employees.

Gizmodo only published screenshots and quotes from the video, claiming that he wished to keep his sender anonymous.

Gizmodo said that among the comments on the video, there was a narrator saying, "We (Amazon) do not believe that unions are in the best interest of our customers, our shareholders or, more importantly, our associates. . and situations to be investigated that could indicate pro-union tendencies among employees, including the distribution of leaflets and petitions, the use of terms such as "steward" and "living wage" and the wearing of garments trade union declarations. Currently, there are no unions representing Amazon workers.

Amazon acquired Whole Foods in 2017 for $ 13.7 billion.

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