The video shows astronauts relaxing on their launch to the space station


Jumping into the space at nearly 18,000 mph seems disconcerting. But three astronauts from the space station appeared deeply tranquil as they were crossing the Earth's atmosphere on June 6th.

Monday morning, the astronaut of the European Space Agency (ESA) Alexander Gerst tweeted A video was shot inside the Soyuz spacecraft while he and two astronauts embarked on the International Space Station. They traveled over 1000 miles in less than 10 minutes.

The three astronauts leaned over their controls in a cramped crew capsule. You can see everything in the video below: Gerst, the flight engineer, is sitting right. In the middle is the commander of the Roscosmos, Sergei Prokopyev, and on the left the Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA.

The three astronauts seem for the most part expressionless when they cross the launch of the Soyuz rocket.

In addition to their years of training, their calm is almost certainly facilitated by the rocket itself, which has performed mostly successful missions since its inception in the 1960s. There have been no fatalities associated with a rocket Soyuz or Soyuz probe since 1971, and these early deaths were due to accidents that occurred when returning the spacecraft to Earth – not at launch.

Accompanying the three astronauts in the frame are a couple of stuffed animals. In the second half of the video, the toys begin to float, which shows that the spacecraft has entered the weightlessness of space.

NASA and ESA astronauts travel regularly to the space station aboard 164-foot Soyuz rockets, as the Russian Roscosmos is currently the only space agency – public or private – with a spacecraft capable of carrying astronauts up to the station, Earth.

The Soyuz spacecraft, separated from the Soyuz rocket.

The Soyuz spacecraft, separated from the Soyuz rocket.

But SpaceX and Boeing have developed crew capsules that will take future astronauts to the space station as early as 2019, assuming they meet the security requirements. NASA astronauts are already training in Boeing Dreamliner and SpaceX Dragon capsules in preparation for these launches.

Unlike the Soyuz rocket, SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets are reusable. They will return to Earth after launching astronauts into space rather than being completely rebuilt. The idea is to make space exploration and visits to current and future space stations considerably cheaper.

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