The video 'Thank U, Next & # 39; of Ariana Grande, inspired by Mean Girls and Legally Blonde


Ariana Grande throws herself into some of her favorite romantic comedies of all time!

After paying tribute to The first women's club During a recent performance, the singer, 25, will play new film roles for the video clip of her single "Thank U, Next," "Thank U, Next." Great has teased the scenes of the upcoming social media video later, which suggests that she will create the ultimate rom-com mashup.

On Tuesday, the star shared a photo of her with The revenge of a blonde Actress Jennifer Coolidge, who played the best friend of Elle Woods, Paulette, in the 2001 film. "New best friend …. thanks, then, "said Grande on Twitter and Instagram.

It looks like Great is playing a version of Reese Witherspoon's iconic alter ego on screen. The singer also shared images of herself recreating these well-known scenes from Harvard University. "Whoever said that orange was the new rose was seriously disturbed," she said in a captioned picture with an orange Apple laptop.

Witherspoon got wind of Grande's video concept and launched a nice message on Instagram. "Seriously The revenge of a blonde vibes, "wrote the winner of an Oscar, and Grande even threw her beloved dog Toulouse on the role of Bruiser Woods!

Meanwhile, The revenge of a blonde is not the only movie to have inspired the music video "Thank U, Next".

Big shared the storyboard of the visual accompaniment that showed pictures of herself and movies that inspired her, including Jennifer Garner in 13 Pass 30 and Naughty girls.

RELATED: Ariana Grande Scores FirstBillboard Hot 100 # 1 Single with & # 39; Thank U, Next & # 39;

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande / Instagram

It turns out that Grande has teased this rom-com concept since the beginning of the year, with many fans noticing that the cover of "Thank U, Next" was influenced by the 2004 film's burn book.

With the three already teased romantic comedies, Grande has also hinted that there is still a movie that will make an appearance in the clip. "If Mean Girls accounted for 25% of the tea … maybe Legally Blonde was also 25%, so we still have two movies left? I am reached, "a fan tweeted to Grande, who replied with confirmation:" Nah u had it. "

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