The VR installation of Laurie Anderson transports you to the moon


The VR installation of Laurie Anderson transports you to the moon
The moon has caught a lot of attention recently, from the trip around the moon SpaceX of Elon Musk – who recently signed his first passenger billionaire – to NASA's renewed plans for the exploration of the moon it seems like we are in a new lunar race.

(CNN) – The moon has attracted a lot of attention lately. From the SpaceX trip around the moon to Elon Musk – who recently signed his first billionaire passenger – to NASA's renewed plans for the exploration of the moon, it seems like we're in a new lunar space race .

The latest exhibition presented at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark, "The Moon: From the Interior Worlds to Outer Space", shows how artists have turned to the Earth's satellite – not only to 39, a scientific point of view, but also the moon. as a cultural symbol imbued with different meanings.

"I was the first artist-in-residence at NASA," said artist-artist Laurie Anderson, whose work, co-created with mixed-media artist, Hsin-Chien Huang, is one of the highlights of the exhibition. "For three years, I've been hanging on the wall at Mission Control in Houston, in the Jet Propulsion lab in Pasadena, Hubble, Maryland, where the artists have a different point of view and that should be represented."

Anderson has never hesitated to rely on science to use the technological advances of his work, which often has a futuristic tone. His 1981 self-directed video for the song "O Superman", which introduced his progressive aesthetic into pop culture, is no exception and cleverly demonstrates Anderson's fascination with technology.

For this new exhibition, Anderson – strong from his experience at the US Space Agency – and Huang have been working on a virtual reality installation that will transport visitors into an experience of another world.

"I want to get into a piece of art and become one, I lose it." All the artists since the beginning of time have wanted you to come into this world. a unique way, "said Anderson.

Next year, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the landing on the moon of Apollo 11, the exhibition will celebrate the fascination of lunar expeditions, but it will also include works of art that focus on the strong symbolic attachment that the moon has always had on people.

"We have been commissioned to do some work on the moon because of all the great birthdays: first step, first man, so many people are watching the moon these days," Anderson said.

The moon has long been present in the art, cave artists drawing designers constellations and calendars lunar, dating back 15,000 years, to the painters of the nineteenth century that represent night scenes bathed in romantic light.

But the night sky and the space are not only synonymous with beauty. Thus, Anderson and Huang also created a "hideous" version of the moon, in which people had rejected all radioactive materials from the Earth.

"We did different phases of the moon, different aspects, not just the romanticism of the moon, but also the dystopias," Anderson said.

Watch the video above to learn more about the works of Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang.

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