The Walking Dead may have revealed how Maggie leaves the series


Spoilers coming for the second episode of The dead who walk Season 9, called "The Bridge".

Season 9 of The dead who walk the apocalypse of zombies in a new era, and not just because of the jump in time that has advanced the action of more than a year. Two main characters will leave the series, and although we can only speculate on how to get rid of Rick, the last episode may have revealed why Maggie is going away, and it has everything to do with Georgie . Here is what happened.

Maggie, who has shown some Neganesque qualities in her leadership style, has apparently been invited to join Georgie in her outreach efforts in the zombie apocalypse. Georgie is largely responsible for the progress made by the settlements – particularly Hilltop – in the 18 months between the end of season 8 and the beginning of season 9. Georgie gave them the means to recreate the innovations that helped civilization to develop the zombie apocalypse, including how to build a windmill.

Georgie's outreach work has obviously done a lot of good, and she's getting along well enough with Maggie to get her to leave Hilltop and join in her outreach efforts. In her conversation with Jesus, Maggie explained that she still had the intention of staying at Hilltop. Therefore, if she leaves the colony to join Georgie, it will probably take something important to give her the last push.

It should be noted that Maggie was playing with the adorable baby Herschel during this conversation and that the poor child was recently put in danger when Maggie was attacked while she was taking him for a walk in his stroller. If Maggie fears for her child's life – who has never met her father and is named after her murdered father – she may feel compelled to leave Hilltop in the hands of someone else. And bring baby Herschel to a safer place.

His responsibilities to Hilltop as the newly elected leader (and the person who hanged their previous leader) may make him feel compelled to stay and lead, but the latest episode proved that there were people who could intervene in his absence. Jesus has been at his side throughout the jump, and he has the temperament of being a strong enough leader. Michonne could theoretically move to Hilltop and help.

Although it is difficult to imagine Michonne leaving Alexandria at this point, she may be willing to move to Hilltop after Rick's death, assuming that is the way Andrew Lincoln is separate. The dead who walk. Hilltop could be a safer place for Judith than Alexandria as well. We can only speculate on the details at this point. It should be noted that new host Angela Kang described Maggie's theory as taking off with Georgie as "legitimate suspicion".

That said, Angela Kang was naturally not going to let go of what would surely be one of the most remarkable twists of the ninth season. She talked about the meaning of Georgie in her conversation with THR, saying:

It's like when you play a video game, and the fog of the map around you grows as you explore different areas. That's what happens with [Georgie’s group]. The Alexandria group thought it was just before the arrival of Jesus and told them, "The world is so much bigger than you think." Then they discovered through Georgie that the world was even bigger than this group thought. There will be some companies that will exist, somehow, that we will not be constantly watching over. We do not always tell stories with Oceanside, but they are very present. It's the same agreement with Georgie and the twins. She is trying to find who else is there. It is an integral part of the idea of ​​civilization with which all our characters struggle. Either way, we will always tell more stories with Maggie.

Although Angela Kang has not left details on whether Maggie wants to leave Hilltop or not to join Georgie, her comments indicate that Georgie and Co. are not going anywhere. Their benevolent nature during their first appearances in season 8 make them unlikely candidates as people killing these saviors. They would therefore be a natural choice for a woman with a baby who would like to join her if she felt compelled to leave Hilltop. Although Georgie is usually off screen, she is still busy.

Sending Maggie to Georgia would also be a great way to leave the door open for Lauren Cohan's return, if only for an occasional guest photo. Cohan wins exciting new show on TV network as lead woman of Whiskey CavalierSo, she will probably be busy without the zombie apocalypse, but Cohan was open about her willingness to come back if such a thing could be settled, and the fans did not have to worry about that. she is not killed.

Angela Kang has a few hopeful words for the fans, saying about the possibility that Maggie will be bigger after she leaves for Season 9:

I hope it will work. We will cross this bridge [when we get to it]. Lauren and I have had conversations and she can not wait to come back, even if it is not for a full season. We can work with that. These are planning problems. We will understand the story. She is great. We have an excellent relationship and she still loves the show. Sometimes our actors need to spread their wings a little. We get that.

Despite the disappointing ratings for the premiere of season 9, The dead who walk almost certainly is not going anywhere anytime soon. Fans who stay after Maggie's departure can still hope she will come back someday. We may need this glimmer of hope when Whisperers come on the scene and Rick (probably) will bite the dust. We will have to wait and see.

You can see Maggie busy in the zombie apocalypse for the moment in new episodes of The dead who walk, which airs on Sunday at 21h ET on AMC. In case you are not always in the mood to have blood, ravenous gores and zombies, there are many other viewing options this fall.

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