The Walking Dead Recap Season 9, Episode 6: Who are you now?


The dead who walk

Who are you now?

Season 9

Episode 6

Editor's note


Photo: Gene Page / AMC

With time, more clarity and, in the case of Rick Grimes' fate, it took about five minutes after his "goodbye" last week to learn that we will be greeting him soon, in a trio of films that will follow. Rick and Jadis-Anne where they spent the hell. Time is also bringing changes, and there are major developments among survivors in the six years since Rick's death, but not really. We zoom in on the Randos, which turn out to be a complicated group but especially nice. And we are teased with a brief glimpse of the next threat that threatens (and moans). But the pleasure in this episode comes from seeing how everything became different in the A.G. era (After Grimes).

Let's start with Daryl, who exiled into the woods, spear-fishing and looks haggard and brooding 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Lest you think his sensitive side is gone, Daryl save a walker after seeing a mommy's bird snatch a worm from its carcass to feed its babies. Eugene's makeover is even more surprising: farewell wuss wearing mules, hello zombie ponytail. He's still so clumsy that Rosita has to stop him from telling him his love for her as they flee a horde of zombies, but he's come a long way. Eugene also has the reply of the night when he says reluctantly about Gabe: "The men in the cloth dressed with a machete and having a perception of zero depth are not exactly ten.

Speaking of the priest, raise your hand if you see him hanging up with Rosita. Liars, all of you! It's been a long time since he had a crush on Jadis-Anne and you can see why he would be attracted to Rosita. But Gabe does not seem to be his genre – Rosita has dated Sarge, which is the opposite of Gabe in every way. So it's a strange couple, but when you want to set up a remote amplifier to amplify your improvised radio's signal in the hope of finding more survivors, it's useful for your girlfriend to be a fool.

In the Kingdom, Zeke and Carol enjoy the royal life – well, Carol is not, but it's not new. It does not help that the place seems to collapse and a fair gets ready, which, I imagine Zeke, means "to do" in the local commercials. Carol seems to understand her role as Henry's mother, and for good reason; the kid has become a pretty responsible teenager, with the exception of one where he rushes alone to answer a call for help. (The oldest trick of the wicked, kid's manual.) The trap was laid by none other than Jed, who reveals that Sanctuary went bankrupt and that his people were so desperate that he ate his own horses. Again, he wildly underestimates Carol, who now sports a bow and who looks like Legolas's the Lord of the Rings, which is ironic, since Jed forces Carol to cough his alliance. For a minute, it looks like motherhood has made Boss Lady sweet. But in the middle of the night, she does not just return to Jed's camp to buy her jewelry. It covers them in one way or another with gasoline during their sleep and ignites many of them. Carolas is do not to be disturbed, people.

Add Michonne to the list of strong women who only seem to have grown up despite the emotional baggage they carry. She talks so much to Rick and Carl that Judith keeps her distance when Mom has one of her favorite conversations. But now, as head of A-town security, not chief, which is interesting; do they even have a leader? -Michonne is very hard with the Randos, who break the rule of the "no new people" of A-town. The Randos are presented at a board meeting to decide if they can stay:

• Magna, a waitress at a truck stop, but also spent considerable time in jail, while Michonne sniffs as if by magic. She has a lot of ink, a lot of hidden weapons and, for a minute, a very bad idea to fight her way through Alexandria.

• Yumiko, who was taken to the infirmary, has a British accent and is Magna's girlfriend.

• Luke, greedy and almost as talkative as Eugene, talks with emotion about one of their lost companions, Bernie.

• Connie, a deaf journalist, a rather strange occupation for someone who can not hear. Has she lost hearing in the apocalypse?

• Kelly, whom I thought was a guy, but who is in fact Connie's younger protective sister and a cool, refreshing shooter.

Magna wisely abandons all her thoughts of rebellion against her hosts, especially when she sees a little RJ running everywhere – so yes, Michonne has become pregnant and there is a real Grimes band in the world! Cuddles water works in this scene when "Jude" tells Michonne that the voices of her father and brother fade into her mind. "I hope you can still hear them," she says in her pretty little child's voice, before climbing the stairs with a gun. (I imagine it could be worse, at least she does not have her iPad all day. #Kidstoday)

Judith also has a surprising math tutor: Negan, who is still behind bars but has done well. He loves Judith's company very much, and who would not really like it; I wonder if a sick part of himself just likes to survive Rick and live to watch Grimes's kids grow up. But so nice that Judith was with strangers, she is not fooled. Negan tells how he learned not to bring stray dogs back home when he was young. Judith's answer: "And look how wonderful everything was for you." The Grimesburn killer, kid!

In the end, there are still some narrative threads. Carol and Henry find Daryl in his Swamp Thing mode, although we do not know why. Michonne – who has an X scar on the left lower back; is this a mark in the honor of Rick's not-all-fatal injury? has changed his mind and proposes to drive the Randos to Hilltop. I wonder how this convo will go …yes of course, Michonne, let's take the aliens you've kicked out, including the ex-convict who gave you weapons. Note that Michonne says she's going to talk to their "leader" but does not mention Maggie. Spoiler alert: star Angela Kang has confirmed that last week was Maggie's last appearance for the season, but that may not be the end of the show, it's the quietest outing of a major character in my series, explain that, and who runs Hilltop?)

We find ourselves on the side of the road with Eugene and Rosita, clumsy and embarrassing, covered with mud in the hope that the herd chasing them will overtake them. If Rosita thought that Eugene's crush was odd, that paling compared to what they hear when zombies parade – a grumbling and horrifying voice says, "You let them go." I'll spare the purists among you who have not heard anything about this season's new threat, but it does not appear to be intelligent zombies who have taken conversational lessons and rebuilt their rotten throats .

[UnderniermotàproposdudépartdeRick:lesauvetageparhélicoptèremeplaisaitbeaucoupplusquandilsemblaitqu'ilavaitdisparujusqu'àdesendroitsinconnusMais[OnelastwordaboutRick'sdeparture:Ilikedthehelicopterrescuemuchmorewhenitseemedthathe'dvanishedtopartsunknownBut[UnderniermotàproposdudépartdeRick:lesauvetageparhélicoptèremeplaisaitbeaucoupplusquandilsemblaitqu’ilavaitdisparujusqu’àdesendroitsinconnusMais[OnelastwordaboutRick’sdeparture:Ilikedthehelicopterrescuemuchmorewhenitseemedthathe’dvanishedtopartsunknownButTWD The creator Robert Kirkman sees his creation as his own expansive world, whose Fear the undead and TWD itself are just pieces. Some stories will overlap, others will be their own business. It's respectable, understandable and exciting. It is also logical that the central hero, Rick Grimes, is the one who will launch this expansion in feature films. Fortunately, the plot was strong enough to overcome the ruthless marketing of Rick's finale and revealing film. I do not think so TWD can handle another Glenngate.]

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